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Reading "Babylon Revisited" as a Post Text: F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Horace Lorimer, and the Saturday Evening Post Audience
Book History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/bh.2017.0012
Jennifer Stinson-Nolan

Abstract:"Babylon Revisited," universally regarded as one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's most accomplished stories, was first published in the Saturday Evening Post on 21 February 1931. Readers of the story in the Post encountered the text within a nexus of bibliographic codes – from the placement of the story in the magazine, to the illustrations that accompany it, to the advertisements and other materials that surround it, to the more general editorial context of the Post during the early days of the Depression. Yet very little scholarly attention has been paid to these textual, paratextual, and visual materials framing its publication, despite their importance in shaping contemporary reception of the work. Through an examination of how these editorial elements promoted a reading of the story that supported the ideological stance espoused by the Post in 1930-1931, I demonstrate how attention to such evidence is necessary for understanding how Fitzgerald and his works were positioned for contemporary readers and critics alike. Given the importance of the slicks in the careers of many American literary writers in the first half of the twentieth century, such an approach has far-reaching implications for our understanding of American literary history as well.


阅读“重访巴比伦”作为帖子文本:F. Scott Fitzgerald、George Horace Lorimer 和周六晚邮报观众

摘要:“重访巴比伦”被普遍认为是 F. Scott Fitzgerald 最有成就的故事之一,于 1931 年 2 月 21 日首次发表在周六晚邮报上。该邮报故事的读者在一系列书目代码中遇到了该文本——从故事在杂志中的位置,到伴随它的插图,到围绕它的广告和其他材料,再到大萧条初期邮报的更一般的编辑背景。然而,尽管这些文本、副文本和视觉材料在塑造当代对作品的接受方面很重要,但很少有学术关注构成其出版的文本、副文本和视觉材料。通过检查这些编辑元素如何促进对支持《华盛顿邮报》在 1930 年至 1931 年所支持意识形态立场的故事的阅读,我展示了对此类证据的关注对于理解菲茨杰拉德及其作品如何为当代读者定位以及评论家一样。鉴于二十世纪上半叶许多美国文学作家的职业生涯中浮华的重要性,这种方法对我们理解美国文学史也具有深远的影响。