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The Prehistory of the American Tourist Guidebook
Book History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/bh.2018.0003
Will B. Mackintosh

Abstract:Historians of American tourism have agreed that Gideon Davison’s 1822 The Fashionable Tour; or, A Trip to the Springs, Niagara, Quebeck, and Boston, in the Summer of 1821 was the first American tourist guidebook. This article identifies generic precedents for Davison’s guidebook—particularly transatlantic eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century genre of the road book—in order to understand Davison’s influences and to identify the novel and unique features that made his text the first of its kind. By doing so, it makes book historians’ definition of the tourist guidebook genre more precise, and explains why they took this specific form at this specific historical moment. Like all genres, early American tourist guidebooks were created by assembling desirable features from several distinct preexisting genres in new and useful ways, but their particular combination of generic conventions was deeply rooted in the material conditions of early nineteenth century travel, print culture, and national identity.



摘要:美国旅游史学家一致认为,吉迪恩·戴维森 (Gideon Davison) 的 1822 年时尚之旅;或者,1821 年夏天的斯普林斯、尼亚加拉、魁北克和波士顿之旅是第一本美国旅游指南。本文确定了戴维森指南的通用先例——特别是跨大西洋 18 世纪和 19 世纪早期的路书类型——以了解戴维森的影响并确定使他的文本成为同类著作中的首创的新颖和独特的特征。这样做,使得书籍史学家对旅游指南体裁的定义更加准确,并解释了他们为什么在这个特定的历史时刻采取这种特定的形式。像所有流派一样,早期的美国旅游指南是通过以新的和有用的方式从几个不同的预先存在的流派中收集所需的特征而创建的,