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Neoconservatives and the Demise of a Humane Juvenile Justice Program: A Conversation About Social Science and Racism
Poverty & Public Policy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-01 , DOI: 10.1002/pop4.163
Dave E. Kingsley 1

Institutional racism often results in events such as an unjustifiable death of an African American citizen at the hands of the police. These events induce the leaders of the dominant white society to call for “a conversation about racism,” which results in no meaningful change. This article suggests that a meaningful conversation could be had about the influence of social science on U.S. criminal justice policy—especially juvenile justice. The focus of that conversation should be on neoconservative social science, which has had a major impact on the criminal justice system as it exists today. The author briefly highlights the leading neoconservatives of the last half of the twentieth century. The demise of the Achievement Place/Teaching-Family model—a rehabilitative, nonpunitive, community-based treatment program for youthful offenders—is discussed as an example of neoconservative utilization of inadequate science in their claim that “nothing works” in rehabilitation programs. It is argued that perceived inherent deficiencies in African Americans—as a “race”—were a fixation of leading neoconservative scholars.



制度性种族主义经常导致诸如非裔美国公民被警察无理死亡之类的事件。这些事件促使占主导地位的白人社会的领导人呼吁“就种族主义进行对话”,但这并没有带来任何有意义的改变。本文建议就社会科学对美国刑事司法政策——尤其是少年司法政策的影响进行有意义的对话。对话的重点应该放在新保守主义社会科学上,它对当今存在的刑事司法系统产生了重大影响。作者简要介绍了 20 世纪下半叶的主要新保守主义者。成就场所/教学家庭模式的消亡——一种康复性的、非惩罚性的、以社区为基础的青少年罪犯治疗计划——作为新保守主义利用不充分科学的一个例子进行了讨论,他们声称康复计划“无济于事”。有人认为,将非裔美国人视为“种族”的固有缺陷是主要新保守主义学者的固执己见。