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Commentary on “positive behavioural support as an alternative to medication”
Tizard Learning Disability Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-08 , DOI: 10.1108/tldr-11-2018-0030
Dave Robinson

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a commentary on the article by Lee and colleagues, entitled “Positive Behavioural Support as an alternative to medication”, from the perspective of Dimensions, a national provider of social care support to people with learning disabilities and/or autism. As a supporter of the NHS England STOMP campaign, Dimensions recognises that people with learning disabilities and/or autism who have displayed “challenging behaviours” are at risk of being wrongly or over prescribed psychotropic medications intended to control that behaviour, and encourages the use of non-medical support strategies as an effective alternative to psychotropic medications. Design/methodology/approach Dimensions surveyed the approximately 1,400 people with learning disabilities and/or autism for whom they provide 24-h support. The survey was intended to assess the extent of use of psychotropic medications and the level of adherence to NICE “best practice” guidelines. The survey was the precursor to an awareness raising campaign and development of an operational toolkit intended to inform and empower people supported, families and colleagues to take a more proactive role in the prescription and review of psychotropic medications. Findings In total, 54 per cent of people surveyed were being prescribed psychotropic medication, of whom 97 per cent had been prescribed one or more medications for at least six months. Around 51 per cent were having six monthly multi-disciplinary reviews and around 31 per cent had not had a multi-disciplinary review within the preceding 12 months. Only 13 per cent of people taking psychotropic medication had a plan in place that was specifically aimed at reducing or stopping the medication. Originality/value Empowering people to participate in and challenge clinical decision making can have a transformative effect on the lives of a group of people who have experienced a significant negative impact from prolonged use of psychotropic medications.



目的本文的目的是从 Dimensions 的角度对 Lee 及其同事题为“积极行为支持作为药物替代品”的文章进行评论,这是一家为学习障碍者提供社会关怀支持和/或自闭症。作为 NHS England STOMP 运动的支持者,Dimensions 认识到表现出“具有挑战性的行为”的学习障碍和/或自闭症患者有可能被错误或过量使用旨在控制该行为的精神药物,并鼓励使用非医疗支持策略作为精神药物的有效替代品。设计/方法/方法 Dimensions 调查了大约 1,400 名有学习障碍和/或自闭症的人,他们为他们提供 24 小时支持。该调查旨在评估精神药物的使用范围以及遵守 NICE“最佳实践”指南的程度。该调查是提高认识运动和开发操作工具包的先导,旨在告知和授权受支持的人、家人和同事在精神药物的处方和审查中发挥更积极的作用。结果 总共有 54% 的受访者正在服用精神药物,其中 97% 的人服用一种或多种药物至少六个月。大约 51% 的人进行了六个月的多学科审查,大约 31% 的人在过去 12 个月内没有进行过多学科审查。只有 13% 的服用精神药物的人制定了专门针对减少或停止用药的计划。原创性/价值 赋予人们参与和挑战临床决策的能力,可以对因长期使用精神药物而遭受重大负面影响的一群人的生活产生变革性影响。