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Faecal pollution source tracking in the holy Bagmati River by portable 16S rRNA gene sequencing
npj Clean Water ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41545-021-00099-1
Kalyan Pantha , Kishor Acharya , Sanjeeb Mohapatra , Santosh Khanal , Niroj Amatya , Carolina Ospina-Betancourth , Giacomo Butte , Suman Dhun Shrestha , Prajwal Rajbhandari , David Werner

A suitcase laboratory was used for 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to assess microbial water quality in the holy Bagmati River, Kathmandu, Nepal. SourceTracker analysis and Volcano plots revealed that microbial communities in the downstream part of the river were mainly contributed by untreated sewage. Seasonal variability in the sewage microbiome was reflected in the downstream river water quality. The bacterial genera Acidovorax, Geobacillus and Caulobacter predominated in the upstream sites, while genera containing putative human pathogens and gut bacteria, such as Clostridium, Prevotella, Arcobacter, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Streptococcus become prominent in the downstream sites. Marker gene qPCR assays for total bacteria, total coliforms, Human E. coli, Arcobacter butzleri and Vibrio cholerae confirmed the sequencing data trends. Even though basic sanitation provision is nowadays near universal in Nepal, our findings show how inadequate wastewater management may turn an urban river into an open sewer, which poses a public health risk.


便携式16S rRNA基因测序在圣巴格马蒂河中的粪便污染源追踪。

手提箱实验室用于16S rRNA扩增子测序,以评估尼泊尔加德满都圣城巴格马蒂河中的微生物水质。SourceTracker分析和火山图表明,河流下游部分的微生物群落主要是未经处理的污水造成的。污水微生物组的季节性变化反映在下游河流水质中。所述细菌属敏捷食酸,地芽孢杆菌属柄杆菌在上游位点为主,而含有推定的人病原体和肠道细菌,如属梭菌属,普雷沃,弓形杆菌,乳杆菌属,肠球菌属链球菌属在下游站点变得突出。总细菌,总大肠菌群,人大肠杆菌布氏弧菌霍乱弧菌的标记基因qPCR分析证实了测序数据的趋势。尽管如今尼泊尔的基本卫生设施几乎普及,但我们的研究结果表明,废水管理不足会如何将城市河流变成开放的下水道,从而构成公共健康风险。
