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Facial attractiveness, social status, and face recognition
Visual Cognition ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2021.1884630
Thomas E. Malloy 1 , Carissa DiPietro 2 , Brandon DeSimone 1 , Christine Curley 3 , Sathiarith Chau 4 , Casey Silva 1


Research on facial attractiveness and face recognition has produced contradictory results that we believe are rooted in methodological limitations. Three experiments evaluated the hypothesis that facial attractiveness and face recognition are positively and linearly related. We also expected that social status would moderate the attractiveness effect. Attractive faces were recognized with very high accuracy compared to less attractive faces. We specified two estimates of facial distinctiveness (generalized and idiosyncratic) and demonstrated that the attractiveness effect on face recognition was not due to distinctiveness. This solves the long-standing problem that because facial attractiveness and distinctiveness are naturally confounded, construct validity is compromised. There was no support for the prediction, based on meta-analysis, that females would outperform males in face recognition. The attractiveness effect was so strong that gender effects were precluded. Methodological prescriptions to enhance internal, construct, and statistical conclusion validity in face recognition paradigms are presented.




