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Introduction to Volume 13, Issue 1 of topiCS
Topics in Cognitive Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1111/tops.12523
Andrea Bender

We tend to talk about events, sort them, reason about them, and learn from them as if they were natural entities, endowed with a beginning and an end, with content, structure, and coherence. Yet how exactly do we recognize events as such and determine their boundaries? What allows us to carve them out from the continuous stream of sensorimotor experiences and turn them into meaningful units of conceptual thinking? If these questions are intriguing you, then this month's issue will be the place for finding answers and inspiration. For their topic “Event‐predictive cognition: From sensorimotor via conceptual to language‐based structures and processes,” Martin V. Butz (University of Tübingen, Germany), David Bilkey, and Alistair Knott (both at University of Otago, New Zealand) assembled a highly interdisciplinary set of amazing papers on our event‐predictive abilities, ranging from their phylogenetic roots and their actual unfolding to the downstream implications for higher cognition, communication, and social interaction. Enjoy the reading!

As I am taking over the responsibilities as Executive Editor, this topic is the first of several that I will be introducing, while the honor for having recruited these topics and following them through is due to Wayne Gray. My view and vision of topiCS is outlined in a welcome address in this issue; for Wayne's closing statement, see Gray (2020).

We remind our readers that our publisher, Wiley, allows us to offer the Topic Editors' introduction to their topic to all of our readers as a free download.

topiCS encourages letters and commentaries on all topics, as well as proposals for new topics. Letters are not longer than two published pages (ca. 400–1,000 words). Commentaries (between 1,000 and 2,000 words) are often solicited by Topic Editors prior to the publication of their topic, but they may also be considered after publication. Letters and commentaries typically come without abstract and with few references, if any.

The Executive Editor and the Senior Editorial Board (SEB) are constantly searching for new and exciting topics for topiCS. Feel free to open communications with a short note to the Executive Editor (Andrea.Bender@uib.no) or a member of the SEB (for a list, see the publisher's homepage for topiCS: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1756-8765/homepage/EditorialBoard.html).



我们倾向于谈论事件,对事件进行分类,对事件进行推理,并从事件中学习,就好像它们是自然实体一样,被赋予了起点和终点,并具有内容,结构和连贯性。但是,我们如何准确地识别事件并确定其边界呢?是什么使我们能够将它们从连续的感觉运动体验中剔除出来,并将它们转变为概念性思维的有意义的单元?如果您对这些问题感兴趣,那么本月的问题将是寻找答案和灵感的地方。对于他们的主题“事件预测性认知:从感觉运动到从概念运动到基于语言的结构和过程”,Martin V. Butz(德国蒂宾根大学),David Bilkey和Alistair Knott(都在奥塔哥大学,新西兰)收集了一系列关于我们的事件预测能力的高度跨学科的惊人论文,从其系统发生的根源和实际展现到对更高的认知,沟通和社会互动的下游影响。享受阅读!

在我担任执行编辑一职时,这个主题是我将要介绍的几个主题中的第一个,而招募这些主题并紧随其后进行的荣誉归功于Wayne Gray。我在本期的欢迎辞中概述了对topiCS的看法和看法。有关韦恩的闭幕词,请参见Gray(2020)。



执行编辑和高级编辑委员会(SEB)一直在寻找topiCS的新话题。可以打开与执行编辑(Andrea.Bender@uib.no)或SEB成员的简短注释的通讯(有关列表,请参见topiCS的发布者主页 https ://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ journal / 10.1111 /(ISSN)1756-8765 / homepage / EditorialBoard.html)。
