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Young drivers’ takeover time in a conditional automated vehicle: The effects of hand-held mobile phone use and future intentions to use automated vehicles
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.01.012
Sherrie-Anne Kaye , Sébastien Demmel , Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios , Wanda Griffin , Ioni Lewis

This research aimed to assess the extent to which using a hand-held mobile phone affected young drivers’ (aged 17–25 years) takeback control of a simulated conditional automated vehicle (AV), relative to an auditory working memory n-back task and monitoring the road environment (control condition). In addition to takeback control, this study also applied the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to assess if there were any differences in future intentions to use AVs after participants had experienced the automated functions of the vehicle compared to pre-drive (baseline). Trust was also measured pre-and post-drive. These additional constructs were included to further assess if the predictors of intentions to use AVs changed after participants had experienced a simulator drive which involve non-driving related tasks (NDRT). Thirty-three young Australian drivers (Mage = 20.97 years, 17 females) took part in the one-hour within groups study which comprised pre-and post-drive self-report questionnaires and operating the CARRS-Q advanced driving simulator. In contrast to previous research on NDRT and takeback control (see Zhang et al., 2019), the results revealed that there were no significant differences in takeback control of the vehicle when drivers were using their hand-held mobile phone compared to completing the working memory n-back task or monitoring the road environment. However, a hierarchical regression revealed that participants reported significantly higher ratings that important others would approve of them using a conditional AV and greater control over whether or not they would intend to use an AV in the future post-drive compared to pre-drive, providing partial support for hypothesis 2. Overall, these findings suggest that using a hand-held mobile phone does not negatively influence young drivers’ takeback control of an AV. Further, the study highlights the influence that important others may have in determining whether young drivers intend to use AVs in the future.



这项研究的目的是评估相对于听觉工作记忆n-back任务,使用手持移动电话对模拟条件自动驾驶汽车(AV)的年轻驾驶员(17-25岁)的收回控制的影响程度。监控道路环境(控制状况)。除了收回控制之外,本研究还应用了计划行为理论(TPB)来评估参与者在体验了车辆的自动功能后,与预驾驶(基准)相比,未来使用AV的意图是否存在差异。信任度也在驱动前后进行了测量。这些额外的结构被包括在内,以进一步评估在参与者经历了涉及非驾驶相关任务(NDRT)的模拟器驾驶后,使用AV意图的预测因素是否发生了变化。中号年龄= 20.97岁,有17位女性)参加了为时一小时的小组研究,其中包括驾驶前和驾驶后自我报告调查表,以及使用CARRS-Q高级驾驶模拟器。与之前关于NDRT和收回控制的研究相比(参见Zhang等人,2019),结果表明,与使用驾驶员完成手持设备相比,当驾驶员使用手持移动电话时,车辆的收回控制没有显着差异记忆n-back任务或监视道路环境。但是,分层回归显示,参与者报告的评分要高得多,与重要的其他人相比,重要的其他人会使用条件AV来批准他们,并更好地控制与驾驶前相比,他们是否打算在未来的驾驶后使用AV。对假设的部分支持2。总体而言,这些发现表明,使用手持移动电话不会对年轻驾驶员对AV的收回控制产生负面影响。此外,该研究还强调了其他重要因素在确定年轻驾驶员将来是否打算使用自动驾驶汽车方面可能产生的影响。
