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Vowel quality in four Alemannic dialects and its influence on the respective varieties of Swiss Standard German
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100320000377
Urban B. Zihlmann

Despite being one of the official languages in Switzerland, the phonetic properties of Swiss Standard German (SSG) have been studied insufficiently. Regarding Alemannic (ALM) dialects, most of the available phonetic studies have dealt with consonants rather than vowels. To counteract this general lack of research, this study investigates the long-vowel inventories of four ALM dialects as well as their respective SSG varieties regarding vowel quality. The aim of the study is twofold: on the one hand, it provides the first comparative acoustic analysis of ALM and SSG vowels; on the other hand, it investigates to which extent interference from ALM dialects determines the vowel qualities of SSG varieties. To this end, four male and four female speakers from Bern, Chur, Brig, and Zurich were recorded producing each vowel three times, which resulted in a corpus of 1632 tokens. The results show that ALM vowel quality is basically transferred to the SSG varieties in two dialect regions: Chur and Brig. Instead, in the SSG varieties spoken in Bern and Zurich certain vowel qualities did not match the ALM ones, mostly for <a> that was fronted in the SSG variety of either dialect. Additionally, the Bern SSG <ä> was produced as both [┋ː] and [ӕː], while <o> was realised more in the back.



尽管是瑞士的官方语言之一,但瑞士标准德语 (SSG) 的语音特性尚未得到充分研究。关于 Alemannic (ALM) 方言,大多数可用的语音研究都涉及辅音而不是元音。为了抵消这种普遍缺乏研究的情况,本研究调查了四种 ALM 方言的长元音清单及其各自的 SSG 变体关于元音质量。这项研究的目的是双重的:一方面,它提供了 ALM 和 SSG 元音的第一个比较声学分析;另一方面,考察了ALM方言的干扰在多大程度上决定了SSG变体的元音质量。为此,来自伯尔尼、库尔、布里格和苏黎世的四名男性和四名女性说话者被记录为每个元音发音三次,这导致了 1632 个标记的语料库。结果表明,ALM 元音质量基本上转移到两个方言区的 SSG 变体:Chur 和 Brig。相反,在伯尔尼和苏黎世所说的 SSG 变体中,某些元音品质与 ALM 不匹配,主要是 <a> 在任一方言的 SSG 变体中都位于前面。此外,伯尔尼 SSG <ä> 被制作成 [┋ː] 和 [ӕː],而 <o> 则更多地出现在后面。
