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Music-selective neural populations arise without musical training
Journal of Neurophysiology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1152/jn.00588.2020
Dana Boebinger 1, 2, 3 , Sam V Norman-Haignere 4, 5 , Josh H McDermott 1, 2, 3, 6 , Nancy Kanwisher 2, 3, 6

Recent work has shown that human auditory cortex contains neural populations anterior and posterior to primary auditory cortex that respond selectively to music. However, it is unknown how this selectivity for music arises. To test whether musical training is necessary, we measured fMRI responses to 192 natural sounds in 10 people with almost no musical training. When voxel responses were decomposed into underlying components, this group exhibited a music-selective component that was very similar in response profile and anatomical distribution to that previously seen in individuals with moderate musical training. We also found that musical genres that were less familiar to our participants (e.g., Balinese gamelan) produced strong responses within the music component, as did drum clips with rhythm but little melody, suggesting that these neural populations are broadly responsive to music as a whole. Our findings demonstrate that the signature properties of neural music selectivity do not require musical training to develop, showing that the music-selective neural populations are a fundamental and widespread property of the human brain.



最近的研究表明,人类听觉皮层包含初级听觉皮层前部和后部的神经群,它们对音乐有选择性地做出反应。然而,这种对音乐的选择性是如何产生的尚不清楚。为了测试音乐训练是否必要,我们测量了 10 名几乎没有受过音乐训练的人对 192 种自然声音的 fMRI 反应。当体素反应被分解为基础成分时,该组表现出音乐选择性成分,其反应概况和解剖分布与之前在接受过中等音乐训练的个体中看到的非常相似。我们还发现,我们的参与者不太熟悉的音乐流派(例如巴厘岛加美兰)在音乐成分中产生了强烈的反应,就像有节奏但旋律很少的鼓片段一样,这表明这些神经群体对整个音乐有广泛的反应。我们的研究结果表明,神经音乐选择性的标志性特性不需要音乐训练来发展,这表明音乐选择性神经群体是人脑的基本且广泛的特性。