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Modeling traffic noise level near at-grade junctions: Roundabouts, T and cross intersections
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2021.102752
Mahdiyeh Khajehvand , Amir Abbas Rassafi , Babak Mirbaha

This study set out to model the traffic noise level at intersections as a function of a set of variables from traffic characteristics, geometric features, pavement surface condition, and traffic management. A drone was used to take the video from traffic flow at the same time as measuring traffic noise level via a sound level meter. Regression modeling was used to determine the influential variables and their contribution to generated noise level at signalized T-intersections, cross-intersections, and roundabouts. The results showed that number of vehicles, and pavement condition index and speed together with the total traffic volume have significant impacts on the noise level. Furthermore, the traffic noise level at the exit approaches is higher than that at the entrance approaches of roundabouts. Moreover, the unexpected events and non-lane-based behavior caused a sudden increase in the maximum sound level at exit approaches.



