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Neutron star cooling and GW170817 constraint within quark-meson coupling models This work is a part of the project INCT-FNA Proc. (464898/2014-5), was partially supported by CNPq (Brazil) (301155.2017-8)(D.P.M.), 310242/2017-7, 406958/2018-1 (O.L.), 308486/2015-3 (T.F.), 433369/2018-3 (M.D.), by Capes-PNPD program (C.V.F.), and by Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP) under the thematic projects 2013/26258-4 (O.L, T.F.) and 2017/05660-0 (O.L.,M.D.,T.F.). R.N. also acknowledges that this project was partly funded by FAPERJ, under grant E-26/203.299/2017. M.B.acknowledge the support from FAPESP Project No. 2017/05660-0, and FOSTECT Project No. FOSTECT.2019B.04. PDS acknowledges support from the UK STFC under project number ST/P005314/1
Chinese Physics C ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/abca1c
Odilon Loureno 1 , Csar H. Lenzi 1 , Mariana Dutra 1 , Tobias Frederico 1 , M. Bhuyan 2, 3, 4 , Rodrigo Negreiros 5 , Csar V. Flores 6 , Guilherme Grams 7, 8 , Dbora P. Menezes 7

In the present work, we used five different versions of the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model to compute astrophysical quantities related to the GW170817 event and the neutron star cooling process. Two of the models are based on the original bag potential structure and three versions consider a harmonic oscillator potential to confine quarks. The bag-like models also incorporate the pasta phase used to describe the inner crust of neutron stars. With a simple method studied in the present work, we show that the pasta phase does not play a significant role. Moreover, the QMC model that satisfies the GW170817 constraints with the lowest slope of the symmetry energy exhibits a cooling profile compatible with observational data.


夸克-介子耦合模型中的中子星冷却和 GW170817 约束这项工作是 INCT-FNA Proc 项目的一部分。(464898/2014-5), 部分支持 CNPq (巴西) (301155.2017-8)(DPM), 310242/2017-7, 406958/2018-1 (OL), 308486/2015-3 (TF), 433369 /2018-3 (MD), by Capes-PNPD program (CVF), and by Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP) under the topic project 2013/26258-4 (OL, TF) and 2017/05660- 0(OL、MD、TF)。RN 还承认,该项目部分由 FAPERJ 资助,在 E-26/203.299/2017 拨款下。MBacknowledge 获得 FAPESP 项目编号 2017/05660-0 和 FOSTECT 项目编号 FOSTECT.2019B.04 的支持。PDS 在项目编号 ST/P005314/1 下承认英国 STFC 的支持

在目前的工作中,我们使用了五种不同版本的夸克-介子耦合 (QMC) 模型来计算与 GW170817 事件和中子星冷却过程相关的天体物理量。其中两个模型基于原始袋势结构,三个版本考虑了谐振子势来限制夸克。袋状模型还包含用于描述中子星内壳的意大利面相。通过目前工作中研究的一种简单方法,我们表明面食阶段没有发挥重要作用。此外,满足 GW170817 约束的具有最低对称能量斜率的 QMC 模型表现出与观测数据兼容的冷却曲线。
