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What Drives Racial Attitudes in Elementary School Children: Skin Tone, Facial Physiognomy, or Both?
Psychological Reports ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1177/0033294120916867
Elena V Stepanova 1, 2 , Yarrow Dunham 2, 3 , Maya Rex 1, 2 , Nao Hagiwara 2

This work examines whether racial attitudes—when measured by both explicit and implicit measures— are driven primarily by skin tone, facial physiognomy, or both in 5 to 12-year-old children. Participants evaluated faces varying in skin tone (from dark to light) and facial physiognomy (from Afrocentric to Eurocentric). In an explicit task, children rated how much they liked each face. In an implicit task, participants completed a child-friendly version of the Affect Misattribution Procedure, where they rated a Chinese character as “good” or “bad” following a racial prime. Results suggest that pro-White attitudes (especially those measured by the explicit task) are driven by both factors, vary by perceivers’ race, and are present in both White and non-White children, though skin tone exerts a larger influence than other features, at least in explicit evaluations. Our results also raise the possibility that pro-White biases might be more internalized by non-White children in the American South.



这项工作检查了种族态度——当用外显和内隐测量来衡量时——是否主要由肤色、面部相貌或两者在 5 至 12 岁儿童中驱动。参与者评估了肤色(从深色到浅色)和面部相貌(从非洲中心到欧洲中心)不同的面孔。在一项明确的任务中,孩子们评估他们对每张脸的喜欢程度。在一项隐性任务中,参与者完成了儿童友好版本的影响错误归因程序,他们在种族素数之后将一个汉字评为“好”或“坏”。结果表明,亲白人的态度(尤其是通过明确任务衡量的态度)受这两个因素驱动,因感知者的种族而异,并且存在于白人和非白人儿童中,尽管肤色比其他特征产生更大的影响, 至少在明确的评估中。我们的结果还提出了一种可能性,即美国南部的非白人儿童可能会更加内化亲白人的偏见。
