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Changes over time in quality of life of school-aged children born extremely preterm: 1991–2005
Fetal & Neonatal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-320582
Stacey Peart 1 , Jeanie Ling Yoong Cheong 2, 3, 4 , Gehan Roberts 5, 6 , Noni Davis 1 , Peter J Anderson 3, 7 , Lex W Doyle 1, 3, 4, 6 ,

Objective To compare health-related quality of life (HRQOL) at 8 years in children born extremely preterm (EP) with contemporaneous term-born controls over three epochs: 1991–92, 1997 and 2005. Design Prospective recruitment of geographic cohorts across three distinct eras. Utilities were calculated from the parent-completed Health Utilities Index (HUI), version 2 (1991–92 and 1997 cohorts) and version 3 (2005 cohort). Differences in utilities >0.05 are clinically important. Setting The state of Victoria, Australia. Patients 475 EP (<28 weeks’ gestation) and 570 term controls. Main outcome measures Utilities of children born EP compared with term controls within each era, and paired differences between an EP and matched controls compared across eras. Results Overall, 86% of survivors had utility data at 8 years of age; 475 EP and 570 controls. In all eras, parent-reported utilities were lower for children born EP compared with controls (difference in medians (95% CIs); 1991–92, −0.053 (–0.071 to –0.035); 1997, –0.053 (−0.072 to –0.034); 2005, –0.082 (−0.097 to –0.068)). Mean differences (MD) between EP children and matched controls within each era were lower in the 2005 cohort compared with both the 1991–92 cohort (MD −0.054, 95% CI −0.097 to –0.010) and the 1997 cohort (MD −0.053, 95% CI −0.097 to –0.009). Conclusion Children born EP in the postsurfactant era have clinically important reductions in parent-reported HRQOL compared with controls, which may be worsening over time. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information. Deidentified individual participant data will not be made available.



目的 比较极早产儿 (EP) 8 岁时的健康相关生活质量 (HRQOL) 与三个时期的同期足月出生对照:1991-92、1997 和 2005 年。 设计 跨三个不同地理队列的前瞻性招募时代。效用是根据家长完成的健康效用指数 (HUI),第 2 版(1991-92 和 1997 年队列)和第 3 版(2005 年队列)计算得出的。效用差异 >0.05 在临床上很重要。环境 澳大利亚维多利亚州。患者 475 EP(<28 周妊娠)和 570 足月对照。主要结果指标 与每个时代的足月对照相比,出生 EP 儿童的效用,以及跨时代比较的 EP 和匹配对照之间的配对差异。结果 总体而言,86% 的幸存者在 8 岁时拥有效用数据;475 EP 和 570 控件。在所有时代,父母报告的 EP 儿童效用低于对照组(中位数差异(95% CI);1991-92,-0.053(-0.071 至 –0.035);1997,-0.053(-0.072 至 – 0.034);2005 年,–0.082(-0.097 到 –0.068))。与 1991-92 队列(MD -0.054,95% CI -0.097 至 -0.010)和 1997 队列(MD -0.053)相比,每个时代 EP 儿童和匹配对照之间的平均差异(MD)在 2005 年队列中较低, 95% CI -0.097 到 –0.009)。结论 与对照组相比,在后表面活性剂时代出生的 EP 儿童父母报告的 HRQOL 有临床意义的降低,并且随着时间的推移可能会恶化。与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。将不会提供去标识化的个人参与者数据。与对照组相比,父母报告的 EP 儿童的效用较低(中位数差异(95% CI);1991–92,-0.053(–0.071 至 –0.035);1997,–0.053(-0.072 至 –0.034);2005 , –0.082(-0.097 到 –0.068))。与 1991-92 队列(MD -0.054,95% CI -0.097 至 -0.010)和 1997 队列(MD -0.053)相比,每个时代 EP 儿童和匹配对照之间的平均差异(MD)在 2005 年队列中较低, 95% CI -0.097 到 –0.009)。结论 与对照组相比,在后表面活性剂时代出生的 EP 儿童父母报告的 HRQOL 有临床意义的降低,而且随着时间的推移可能会恶化。与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。将不会提供去标识化的个人参与者数据。与对照组相比,父母报告的 EP 儿童效用较低(中位数差异(95% CI);1991–92,-0.053(–0.071 至 –0.035);1997,–0.053(-0.072 至 –0.034);2005 , –0.082(-0.097 到 –0.068))。与 1991-92 队列(MD -0.054,95% CI -0.097 至 -0.010)和 1997 队列(MD -0.053)相比,每个时代 EP 儿童和匹配对照之间的平均差异(MD)在 2005 年队列中较低, 95% CI -0.097 到 –0.009)。结论 与对照组相比,在后表面活性剂时代出生的 EP 儿童父母报告的 HRQOL 有临床意义的降低,并且随着时间的推移可能会恶化。与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。将不会提供去标识化的个人参与者数据。