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Intravenous Ketamine Bolus(es) for the Treatment of Status Epilepticus, Refractory Status Epilepticus, and Cluster Seizures: A Retrospective Study of 15 Dogs
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.547279
Patrick Roynard , Ann Bilderback , Curtis Wells Dewey

Status epilepticus (SE) and cluster seizures (CS) are common occurrences in veterinary neurology and frequent reasons of admission to veterinary hospitals. With prolonged seizure activity, gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA) receptors (GABAa receptors) become inactive, leading to a state of pharmacoresistance to benzodiazepines and other GABAergic medications, which is called refractory status epilepticus (RSE). Prolonged seizure activity is also associated with overexpression of N-methyl-D-aspartic (NMDA) receptors. Rodent models have shown the efficacy of ketamine (KET) in treating RSE, and its use has been reported in one canine case of RSE. Boluses of KET 5 mg/kg IV have become the preferred treatment for RSE in our hospital. A retrospective study was performed to evaluate and report our experience with KET IV bolus to treat prolonged and/or repeated seizure activity in cases of canine CS, SE, and RSE. A total of 15 dogs were retrieved, for 20 hospitalizations and 28 KET IV injections over 3 years. KET IV boluses were used 12 times for RSE (9 generalized seizures, 3 focal seizures) and KET terminated the episode of RSE 12/12 times (100%); however, seizures recurred 4/12 times (33%) within ≤6 h of KET IV bolus. When used for CS apart from episodes of RSE, KET IV bolus was associated with termination of the CS episode only 4/14 times (29%). Only 4/28 (14%) KET IV boluses were associated with adverse effects imputable only to the use of KET. One dog experienced a short, self-limited seizure activity during administration of KET IV, which was most likely related to a pre-mature use of KET IV (i.e., before GABAergic resistance and NMDA receptor overexpression had taken place). This study indicates that KET 5 mg/kg IV bolus may be successful for the treatment of RSE in dogs.



癫痫持续状态(SE)和丛集性癫痫发作(CS)是兽医神经病学中的常见事件,也是兽医医院入院的常见原因。随着癫痫发作时间的延长,γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)受体(GABAa受体)失去活性,导致对苯二氮卓类药物和其他GABA药物的抗药性状态,被称为难治性癫痫持续状态(RSE)。癫痫发作时间延长还与过度表达ñ-甲基-d-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体。啮齿动物模型已显示出氯胺酮(KET)在治疗RSE中的功效,并且已在1例RSE犬中报道了其使用。KET 5 mg / kg静脉输注已成为我院RSE的首选治疗方法。进行了一项回顾性研究,以评估和报告我们在犬CS,SE和RSE病例中使用KET IV推注治疗长期和/或反复发作​​的癫痫发作的经验。在3年中,共回收了15只狗,进行了20例住院治疗和28次KET IV注射。RSE使用KET IV推注12次(9次全身性发作,3次局灶性发作),KET终止RSE发作12/12次(100%);然而,在KET IV推注的6小时内,癫痫发作复发了4/12次(33%)。除了用于RSE情节,还用于CS时,KET IV推注仅与CS发作终止相关4/14次(29%)。只有4/28(14%)的KET IV推注与仅归因于使用KET的不良反应有关。一只狗在服用KET IV时经历了短暂的自我限制的癫痫发作活动,这很可能与过早使用KET IV有关(即在发生GABA能抗性和NMDA受体过表达之前)。这项研究表明,KET 5 mg / kg静脉推注可成功治疗狗的RSE。GABA能抗性和NMDA受体过表达之前)。这项研究表明,KET 5 mg / kg静脉推注可成功治疗狗的RSE。GABA能抗性和NMDA受体过表达之前)。这项研究表明,KET 5 mg / kg静脉推注可成功治疗狗的RSE。
