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Diverging Antarctic heritage discourses: The geopolitical ramifications of non-state actor engagement with the ‘state-sanctioned’ version of Antarctic heritage
The Geographical Journal ( IF 3.384 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12383
Rebecca Hingley 1

The governance of heritage in Antarctica has always been centred on the nation-state and the dissemination of its Antarctic narrative both within the state and between states. However, non-state actors outside of the state offer alternative conceptions of Antarctic heritage. What are the geopolitical consequences of their engagement with objects and places of heritage on and around the frozen continent? Are non-state actors accounted for within the current, official, and dominant discourse on heritage under the Antarctic Treaty System? These questions align with a broader enquiry into the System’s capacity to adequately account for non-state actors and their increasing presence in the polar region 60 years on from the signing of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty. To better understand the nature of non-state actors’ interaction with Antarctic heritage and the conditions under which it occurs, this paper will investigate how three non-state actors conceive of and engage with Antarctic heritage: the tourism industry, environmental activists, and individuals. It will then consider the implications of their engagement with Antarctic heritage under the current framework for heritage management, before considering the potential obstacles the System may encounter within this governing space in the future.



南极洲的遗产治理一直以民族国家及其南极叙事在国家内部和国家之间的传播为中心。然而,国家以外的非国家行为者提供了南极遗产的替代概念。他们与冰冻大陆及其周围的文物和遗产地接触会产生什么地缘政治后果?非国家行为者是否在南极条约体系下关于遗产的当前、官方和主流话语中得到解释?这些问题与对系统充分考虑非国家行为者的能力以及自 1959 年南极条约签署 60 年后他们在极地地区日益增加的存在的能力进行更广泛的调查相一致。为了更好地理解非国家行为者与南极遗产互动的性质及其发生的条件,本文将调查三个非国家行为者如何构想和参与南极遗产:旅游业、环保活动家和个人. 然后,在考虑该系统未来在该管理空间内可能遇到的潜在障碍之前,它将考虑他们在当前遗产管理框架下参与南极遗产的影响。