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Rome's Holy Mountain: The Capitoline Hill in Late Antiquity by Jason Moralee
Journal of Late Antiquity ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jla.2018.0025
Hendrik Dey

by uncertainty about their future constantly return” (208); reactions to events such as the Bataclan attack in Paris in November 2015 have shown this to be worryingly true. A conclusion to the volume is offered by Hervé Inglebert, who stresses the methodological importance of the essays in the volume, and offers some further reflections on periodization: even if there is now an appetite for a shorter Late Antiquity, debates about its parameters are likely to continue for some time. Overall, the volume contains some extremely thought-provoking contributions to our current understanding. Given the international profile of the contributors themselves, the book can serve as a convenient overview, particularly for students, of current thinking about Late Antiquity beyond the Anglophone sphere. It may therefore be read with profit alongside the more UKand UScentred compendia of Philip Rousseau (ed.), A Companion to Late Antiquity (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2007) or Scott Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)—not least because some contributors, notably Blaudeau and Dresken-Weiland helpfully summarize much of their own research that might otherwise be inaccessible to monoglot Anglophones. The somewhat arid presentation (there is no overview of the contents in the Introduction, nor is there any index) might not be terribly encouraging, and a steady stream of typographical errors diminishes the impression made by the volume. That is a shame, given the potential of the volume to inform debates, not least among students. But it is worth persevering in spite of such deficiencies, for there are riches aplenty here. Rome’s Holy Mountain: The Capitoline Hill in Late Antiquity Jason Moralee Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. xxv + 304. ISBN: 978-0-19-049227-4



由于他们未来的不确定性不断回归”(208);对 2015 年 11 月巴黎巴塔克兰袭击等事件的反应表明,这是令人担忧的真实情况。Hervé Inglebert 提供了该卷的结论,他强调了该卷中文章在方法论上的重要性,并提供了一些关于分期的进一步思考:即使现在人们对更短的晚期古代有兴趣,关于其参数的争论也可能发生继续一段时间。总的来说,这本书对我们目前的理解有一些非常发人深省的贡献。鉴于撰稿人本身的国际形象,这本书可以作为一个方便的概述,特别是对于学生来说,当前对英语以外的古代晚期的思考。因此,它可以与 Philip Rousseau (ed.), A Companion to Late Antiquity (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2007) 或 Scott Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late古代(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2012 年)——尤其是因为一些撰稿人,特别是布洛多和德雷斯肯-韦兰德,他们对他们自己的大部分研究进行了有益的总结,否则会说英语的人可能无法接触到这些研究。有点枯燥的介绍(在介绍中没有内容概述,也没有任何索引)可能不是非常令人鼓舞,而且源源不断的排版错误削弱了该卷给人的印象。考虑到这本书可能会影响辩论,尤其是在学生之间,这是一种耻辱。但尽管有这些缺陷,还是值得坚持,因为这里有丰富的财富。罗马的圣山:古代晚期的卡比托利欧山 Jason Moralee 牛津:牛津大学出版社,2018 年。Pp。xxv​​ + 304。ISBN:978-0-19-049227-4