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Artist and Community in Rhetorical Education of the Imperial Period
Journal of Late Antiquity ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jla.2018.0019
Craig A. Gibson

Abstract:Three advanced exercises practiced in the rhetorical schools of the first to the sixth centuries ce featured artists. Ēthopoiia portrays the emotional sufferings of artists as they struggle to control their subject matter and media. In ekphrasis, the artist as heir to a long tradition extending back to the world of myth seeks to understand his subjects' physical and emotional sufferings and to use them to teach moral lessons to the viewer. Declamation pits artists and honorands against their communities: the artist's claim of artistic license is sometimes at odds with the needs of his community, and the war hero's private interest sometimes conflicts with the community's desire for a public commemoration of his victory. Collectively these advanced exercises invited elite young men in the rhetorical schools to explore the potential conflicts between the private pursuits of those who, like themselves, possessed technical expertise and the public good of their local communities.



摘要:公元一世纪至六世纪修辞学派中练习的三个高级练习以艺术家为特色。Ēthopoiia 描绘了艺术家在努力控制他们的主题和媒体时的情感痛苦。在 ekphrasis 中,作为延续到神话世界的悠久传统的继承人,艺术家试图了解他的主题的身体和情感痛苦,并利用它们向观众教授道德课程。宣言使艺术家和荣誉者与他们的社区对抗:艺术家对艺术许可的要求有时与其社区的需求不一致,战争英雄的私人利益有时与社区公开纪念他的胜利的愿望相冲突。