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An Aureus of Pompeius Magnus
Antichthon Pub Date : 2017-02-08 , DOI: 10.1017/ann.2016.8
Bruce Marshall

In a recent article in this journal, Kathryn Welch and Hannah Mitchell examined a much debated question: to what extent did Roman commanders, and in particular Pompeius, model themselves on Alexander the Great?1 The opposing views on this question are best encapsulated by Peter Green on the one side, and Erich Gruen on the other.2 One piece of evidence used in this continuing debate is an aureus of Pompeius, but there are two disputes related to it: the date of its issue and the iconography of its obverse. Unfortunately, due to a lack of specific evidence the discussion trying to resolve these disputes often ends without a clear conclusion, and we are left with speculation and conjecture.The reverse of the aureus shows a triumph, and the nub of the question about dating the coin is which triumph does it depict. The argument here is that the coin depicts Pompeius’ third triumph in 61 BC, when he celebrated his extensive conquests in the East. That date will help the argument that the personification on the obverse has Alexander overtones, as some scholars suggest. If that can be established, it will give some idea of Pompeius’ intentions in minting the coin: Pompeius was not only channelling Alexander, but also trying to imply that he had surpassed the Macedonian king’s achievements.



在本刊最近的一篇文章中,凯瑟琳·韦尔奇和汉娜·米切尔探讨了一个备受争议的问题:罗马指挥官,尤其是庞培,在多大程度上效仿了亚历山大大帝?1一方面,彼得·格林(Peter Green)和埃里希·格鲁恩(Erich Gruen)最好地概括了在这个问题上的相反观点。2在这场持续的辩论中使用的一个证据是金黄色葡萄球菌庞培,但有两个与之相关的争议:发行日期和正面的肖像。不幸的是,由于缺乏具体证据,试图解决这些争议的讨论往往没有明确的结论而结束,我们只剩下猜测和猜想。金黄色葡萄球菌显示了胜利,关于硬币约会的问题的核心是它描绘了哪种胜利。这里的论点是,这枚硬币描绘了庞培在公元前 61 年的第三次胜利,当时他庆祝了他在东方的广泛征服。正如一些学者所建议的那样,该日期将有助于论证正面的拟人化具有亚历山大色彩。如果这一点能够成立,就会让人了解庞培铸造硬币的意图:庞培不仅在引导亚历山大,而且还试图暗示他已经超越了马其顿国王的成就。