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κυνὸς σῆμα: Euripides’ Hecuba and the Uses of Revenge
Arethusa ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2019.0004
Grace Zanotti

Abstract:This paper reads Euripides’ Hecuba contextually and intertextually, attending both to the play’s historical context of the Athenian transition to democracy in the fifth century (entailing laws regulating mourning and the birth of the democratic court system) and to its intertextual dialogue with Aeschylus’s Oresteia. Against the great majority of scholars of Hecuba, through a close reading of the play, I argue that Hecuba’s transformation into a dog does not signal her moral degeneration and that her revenge is both ethically coherent and deeply human, recognizing the particularity of her lost son Polydorus in a way that democratic justice cannot.


κυνὸς σῆμα:欧里庇得斯的赫库巴和复仇的用途

摘要:本文以语境和互文的方式阅读欧里庇得斯的《赫库巴》,既关注该剧在 5 世纪雅典过渡到民主的历史语境(包括规范哀悼的法律和民主法庭制度的诞生),也关注其与埃斯库罗斯 (Aeschylus) 的互文对话。奥瑞斯提亚。与绝大多数赫库巴学者不同,通过仔细阅读该剧,我认为赫库巴变成一只狗并不表明她的道德堕落,她的报复在伦理上是一致的,也是深刻的人性化,承认她失去儿子的特殊性Polydorus 以民主正义无法做到的方式。