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Female Ethics and Epic Rivalry: Helen in the Iliad and Penelope in the Odyssey
American Journal of Philology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2019.0013
Rachel H. Lesser

Abstract:This paper shows how Penelope and the Iliadic Helen are constructed as similar, yet ethically antitypical heroines through an intertextual dialogue that manifests itself on structural, thematic, and linguistic levels. Whereas Helen is an unfaithful, sight-endowed female agent who weaves war and indiscriminate suffering, Penelope is a faithful, thoughtful wife who more passively preserves Odysseus' family and authority; each woman is key to her epic plot and ideology. I argue that their intertextuality contributes to the rivalry between the Odyssey and Iliad traditions and can be understood as a female counterpart to the competing heroisms of Odysseus and Achilles.



摘要:本文展示了佩内洛普 (Penelope) 和伊利亚迪克 (Iliadic) 海伦 (Iliadic Helen) 如何通过在结构、主题和语言层面上表现出来的互文对话,被构建为相似但在伦理上反典型的女主人公。海伦是一个不忠的、有视力的女性特工,她编织战争和不分青红皂白的苦难,而佩内洛普是一个忠诚、体贴的妻子,更被动地维护奥德修斯的家庭和权威;每个女人都是她史诗般的情节和意识形态的关键。我认为它们的互文性促成了奥德赛和伊利亚特传统之间的竞争,并且可以被理解为奥德修斯和阿喀琉斯竞争英雄主义的女性对应物。