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Achilles and the Poetics of Manhood: Re(de)fining Europe and Asia in Statius’ Achilleid
Classical World ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/clw.2016.0008
Antony Augoustakis

This article examines the binarism Europe/Asia in Statius’ Achilleid as a means to understand the polarities of male/female, West/East, Greek/barbarian, and ultimately Roman/non-Roman. I demonstrate that Helen’s abduction by Paris and the discourse on the succession of empires in Statius’ poem reflect Thetis’ own transformation of Achilles into a woman. Through his cross-dressing and the impregnation of Deidamia, marked in the text as a violent attack, Achilles comes of age on the liminally other island of Scyros by replicating Paris’ rapina . The “European” Achilles incorporates both the effeminate traits of the East and the warlike manliness of the West; he also ultimately embodies the “Asian” other , which he is destined to conquer.



本文考察了 Statius 的 Achilleid 中的欧洲/亚洲二元论,以此作为理解男性/女性、西方/东方、希腊/野蛮人和最终罗马/非罗马两极的一种手段。我证明海伦被帕里斯绑架以及斯塔修斯诗中关于帝国继承的话语反映了忒提斯自己将阿喀琉斯变成了一个女人。通过他的变装和迪达米亚的受孕,在文本中被标记为暴力攻击,阿喀琉斯通过复制巴黎的 rapina 在勉强的另一个 Scyros 岛上长大。“欧洲”的阿喀琉斯融合了东方的柔弱特征和西方的好战的男子气概;他也最终体现了他注定要征服的“亚洲”他者。