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Tight Approximation Ratios of Two Greedy Algorithms for Optimal RSU Deployment in One-Dimensional VANETs
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2020.3045693
Zhenguo Gao , Hsiao-Chun Wu , Shaobin Cai , Guozhen Tan

For addressing the One-Dimensional Road side unit Deployment (D1RD) problem, a greedy approximate algorithm named Greedy2P3E was proposed two years ago, and its approximation ratio was proved to be at least 2/3 for the D1RD problem with EQual-radius RSUs (D1RD-EQ problem). Can better or even tight approximations for Greedy2P3E be found? In this paper, approximation ratio of Greedy2P3E is re-inspected and tight approximation ratio is found. To this end, a greedy algorithm named Greedy3P4 is first proposed and proved to have a tight approximation ratio of 3/4 for the D1RD-EQ problem. Then, by using Greedy3P4 as a bridge, 3/4 is also proved to be the tight approximation ratio of Greedy2P3E and it is tight for all $n{\geq }2$ . Comparative evaluations are performed on real cases using a real vehicle trajectory dataset. The results show that these greedy algorithms usually return near optimal solutions with a profit more than 98% of the optimal solutions, and the greedy algorithms well outperform the other typical algorithms tested.



为了解决一维路边单元部署(D1RD)问题,两年前提出了一种贪婪的近似算法Greedy2P3E,对于具有Eradi半径RSU的D1RD问题,它的近似比至少为2/3( D1RD-EQ问题)。可以找到更好甚至更近似的Greedy2P3E近似值吗?在本文中,重新检验了Greedy2P3E的近似比率,并找到了紧密的近似比率。为此,首先提出了一种贪婪算法Greedy3P4,它被证明对D1RD-EQ问题具有3/4的紧密逼近比。然后,通过使用Greedy3P4作为桥,也证明了3/4是Greedy2P3E的紧密近似比,并且对于所有$ n {\ geq} 2 $ 。使用真实的车辆轨迹数据集对真实情况进行比较评估。结果表明,这些贪婪算法通常会返回接近最优解,其利润超过最优解的98%,并且贪婪算法的性能远远优于其他典型算法。