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Crypto Pharmacy – Digital Medicine: A Mobile Application Integrated With Hybrid Blockchain to Tackle the Issues in Pharma Supply Chain
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1109/ojcs.2021.3049330
Ganesan Subramanian , Anand SreekantanThampy , Nnamdi Valbosco Ugwuoke , Baghwan Ramnani

Mobile application integrated with cryptocurrency would be an innovative solution for making medicine purchase in the future. This research work fixates on the design and implementation of a crypto pharmacy - digital medicine utilizing hybrid blockchain technology. We present the concept of crypto medicine that eliminates third-party presence (buy/sell) in a medicine purchase. The proposed design integrates the mobile application with the NEM blockchain. The manufacturer engenders the digital medicines with NEM blockchain namespace, all the pharma products are assigned with NEM cryptocurrency XEM, labeled with a QR code. Our archetype model (perspicacious detector) executes the astute contract that connects all the stakeholders in a pharma supply chain. The proposed mobile application has been prosperously integrated with NEM cryptocurrency by assigning XEM for the medicines, all the transactions are monitored in a blockchain from manufacturer to culminate-utilizer. The mobile application designed utilizing apple iOS integrated with nem2sdk swift framework. This system evades a few millions worth of substandard medicine integrated in the ecumenical market every year. In additament to crypto medicine, the genuine-time monitoring of liquid medicine has been tested with the IoT platform. It fetches the temperature data into the blockchain and authenticates the reliability of medicine for intensive care unit patients.



集成了加密货币的移动应用程序将是将来购买药品的创新解决方案。这项研究工作专注于加密药房的设计和实现-利用混合区块链技术的数字医学。我们提出了加密医学的概念,该概念消除了药品购买中的第三方存在(购买/出售)。拟议的设计将移动应用程序与NEM区块链集成在一起。制造商通过NEM区块链命名空间实现了数字药品的生产,所有药品均分配了带有QR码的NEM加密货币XEM。我们的原型模型(敏锐的检测器)执行了一个精巧的合同,将药品供应链中的所有利益相关者联系起来。通过为药品分配XEM,已将拟议的移动应用程序与NEM加密货币完美集成,从制造商到最终利用者的所有区块链中的所有交易均受到监控。该移动应用程序是利用Apple iOS与nem2sdk swift框架集成而设计的。该系统每年规避集成在普世市场中的价值数百万的不合格药品。除加密医学外,液体药物的实时监控已通过物联网平台进行了测试。它将温度数据提取到区块链中,并验证重症监护病房患者的药物可靠性。该移动应用程序是利用Apple iOS与nem2sdk swift框架集成而设计的。该系统每年规避集成在普世市场中的价值数百万的不合格药品。除加密医学外,液体药物的实时监控已通过物联网平台进行了测试。它将温度数据提取到区块链中,并验证重症监护病房患者的药物可靠性。该移动应用程序是利用Apple iOS与nem2sdk swift框架集成而设计的。该系统每年规避集成在普世市场中的价值数百万的不合格药品。除加密医学外,液体药物的实时监控已通过物联网平台进行了测试。它将温度数据提取到区块链中,并验证重症监护病房患者的药物可靠性。