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Validation of a Commercial Glanders ELISA as an Alternative to the CFT in International Trade of Equidae
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.628389
Mandy Carolina Elschner , Falk Melzer , Harisankar Singha , Saqib Muhammad , Ian Gardner , Heinrich Neubauer

Glanders, caused by Burkholderia (B.) mallei is a notifiable zoonotic disease in equidae. For international trade and movement of equids, certificates of negative serological test results for antibodies against B. mallei are required. To date, the complement fixation test (CFT) is the mandatory test to issue these health certificates. The CFT is difficult to standardize and, due to its poor specificity, often leads to false-positive reactions resulting in trade restrictions with considerable financial consequences. In the present study, the new ID Screen Glanders Double Antigen Multispecies ELISA (GLANDA- ELISA) (IDvet, Grabels, France) was evaluated using 400 negative and 370 glanders positive field samples of equidae. The GLANDA-ELISA was significantly more specific (99.8%) than the CFT (97.0%). Considering the comparable sensitivities of CFT (96.5%) and ELISA (98.1%), this new GLANDA-ELISA test appears a suitable confirmatory test and a realistic alternative for serological testing of horses for trade or movement.


验证商业Glanders ELISA作为马术国际贸易中CFT的替代方法

腺体,由 伯克霍尔德氏菌马莱是马科中应报告的人畜共患病。对于国际贸易和马匹运输,针对马来芽孢杆菌是必须的。迄今为止,补体固定测试(CFT)是颁发这些健康证明的强制性测试。CFT难以标准化,并且由于其特异性差,经常导致假阳性反应,从而导致贸易限制,并带来可观的财务后果。在本研究中,新的ID筛查格兰德双重抗原多物种ELISA(GLANDA-ELISA)(IDvet,Grabels,法国)使用马术的400阴性和370阳性腺体进行了评估。GLANDA-ELISA的特异性(99.8%)比CFT(97.0%)高得多。考虑到CFT(96.5%)和ELISA(98.1%)的可比敏感性,这种新的GLANDA-ELISA测试似乎是一种合适的验证性测试,是对马匹进行贸易或运动进行血清学测试的现实选择。
