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Festival Venue that makes sense- A study of Skansen arena in Stockholm
Cogent Social Sciences ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2021.1886652
Saeid Abbasian 1 , Isak Benyamine 2 , Anna Lundberg 3


The purpose of this study is to investigate how the open-air museum of Skansen in Stockholm as venue for celebration of Persian Fire Festival is assessed by the festival’s visitors. The study is based on a delimited part of a larger online survey with 280 completed questionnaires including both close-ended and open-ended questions, and a qualitative thematic analysis method has been used in this paper. The results show a high level of appreciation of the Skansen venue that gives the visitors positive emotions, meanings, place attachment, place identity and a sense of place. Contributing factors have been the high status of the venue that has given the visitors pride and dignity; security and safety of the venue; size of the venue; and the natural beauty of the venue. The most important disadvantage factor has been the lack of accessibility combined with lack of sufficient public transport. The results have implications for the Swedish society, for the policy makers in Stockholm city and for both the host and the organiser of the festival and gives rise to new debates on immigrants’ socio-cultural integration into Swedish society. This paper gives a contribution to existing literature on festival venue and its impact on the visitor’s overall assessment of the festival.Festival Venue that makes sense- A study of Skansen arena in StockholmAll authorsSaeid Abbasian,Isak Benyamine &Anna Lundberg |https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2021.1886652

Published online:
15 February 2021Display full size




这项研究的目的是调查斯德哥尔摩的Skansen露天博物馆作为波斯消防节庆祝活动的场所如何被节日的参观者评估。该研究基于较大的在线调查的定界部分,该调查包含280份完整问卷,包括封闭式和开放式问题,并且本文使用了定性的主题分析方法。结果表明,对Skansen场地的高度评价使参观者获得了积极的情绪,意义,场所依恋,场所身份和场所感。造成这种情况的因素是场地的高地位,使参观者感到自豪和尊严。场地的安全性;场地大小;和场地的自然美景。最重要的不利因素是交通不便和公共交通不足。结果对瑞典社会,斯德哥尔摩市的政策制定者以及音乐节的主办方和组织者都有影响,并引发了关于移民将社会文化融入瑞典社会的新辩论。本文对现有的节日场所文献及其对游客对节日整体评估的影响做出了贡献。有意义的节日场所-斯德哥尔摩Skansen竞技场研究所有作者Saeid AbbasianIsak BenyamineAnna Lundberg | https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2021.1886652

