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Historical and current distribution ranges and loss of mega-herbivores and carnivores of Asia
PeerJ ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10738
Tariq Mahmood 1, 2 , Tuong Thuy Vu 2, 3 , Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz 2, 4 , Faraz Akrim 1, 5 , Shaista Andleeb 6 , Muhammad Farooq 1 , Abdul Hamid 1 , Nadeem Munawar 1 , Muhammad Waseem 1 , Abid Hussain 1 , Hira Fatima 1 , Muhammad Raza Khan 1 , Sajid Mahmood 7

Ecosystem functioning is dependent a lot on large mammals, which are, however, vulnerable and facing extinction risks due to human impacts mainly. Megafauna of Asia has been declining for a long, not only in numbers but also in their distribution ranges. In the current study, we collected information on past and current occurrence and distribution records of Asia’s megafauna species. We reconstructed the historical distribution ranges of the six herbivores and four carnivores for comparison with their present ranges, to quantify spatially explicit levels of mega-defaunation. Results revealed that historically the selected megafauna species were more widely distributed than at current. Severe range contraction was observed for the Asiatic lion, three rhino species, Asian elephant, tigers, and tapirs. Defaunation maps generated have revealed the vanishing of megafauna from parts of the East, Southeast, and Southwest Asia, even some protected Areas losing up to eight out of ten megafaunal species. These defaunation maps can help develop future conservation policies, to save the remaining distribution ranges of large mammals.


