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Reasons for Vaccine Rejection in 0 to 2 Years Old Children Registered to Family Health Centers in Konya
Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1722972
Hasan Kucukkendirci 1 , Fatih Kara 2 , Gulsum Gulperi Turgut 3

Objective According to the 2017 report of the World Health Organization (WHO), ∼1.5 million people die from vaccine preventable diseases. The WHO is working to generate and popularize effective vaccination programs. However, the concept of “vaccine rejection,” which first started in Europe and United States, has started to make an impact in Turkey during the past 10 years. It is therefore seen as a growing danger in future. This study was conducted to determine, detect, and prevent the reasons of vaccine rejection that have increased in recent years.

Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted between June and December at 2015. In all districts of Konya (n = 31), it was aimed to reach all 242 families who rejected vaccination to their 0 to 2 years old babies. Families having more than one child refused to vaccinate all of their children. A questionnaire consisting of 47 questions was prepared by the researchers, using the standard trainings of the Ministry of Health and the literature. A total of 172 families agreed to participate in this study. The questionnaire was applied to the parents using the telephone interview technique. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation and percentage.

Results About 41.3% (n = 71) of the mothers were high school graduates, 50.6% (n = 87) of their fathers were university graduates. About 82.6% (n = 142) of the participants received examination, treatment and follow-up services from family physicians and family health personnel. About 20.9% (n = 36) of the children were the only children of the family. About 55.8% (n = 96) of the families also refused the vaccination for other children. About 83.7% (n = 144) of the unvaccinated children had infants/children follow-up care. While all participants stated that vaccines had side effects, 31.4% (n = 54) of these believed that vaccines cause autism or paralysis in infants. About 62.2% (n = 107) of their mothers did not receive tetanus vaccine during pregnancy. The highest rate of nonvaccination was with the second dose of hepatitis A vaccine, which 96.5% (n = 166) refused. The most accepted vaccine was the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine, which was refused by 18.0% (n = 31). About 79.7% (n = 137) of the participants did not know the reason for the vaccination and 95.9% (n = 165) thought that the vaccines were not required. All participants received information from the health personnel about the vaccines. While 9.9% (n = 17) of the families thought that vaccines cause infertility, 44.8% (n = 77) did not receive vaccination because the vaccines were produced abroad.

Conclusion A growing number of families refuse to have their babies vaccinated. The production of vaccines abroad is a major cause of insecurity. There are also beliefs that vaccines cause infertility. Vaccine production in Turkey should be accelerated and public education about vaccines should be reviewed. Training provided to families about vaccines should also be reviewed.



目标 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)2017年的报告,约有150万人死于可预防疫苗的疾病。世卫组织正在努力制定和推广有效的疫苗接种计划。但是,“疫苗排斥”的概念最初在欧洲和美国开始,在过去的十年中已开始在土耳其产生影响。因此,它被视为未来日益增长的危险。进行这项研究是为了确定,检测和预防近年来增加的疫苗排斥的原因。

方法 于2015年6月至12月进行了一项横断面研究。在科尼亚所有地区(n  = 31),该研究的目的是覆盖所有拒绝为0至2岁婴儿接种疫苗的242个家庭。有一个以上孩子的家庭拒绝给所有孩子接种疫苗。研究人员使用卫生部的标准培训和文献编写了包含47个问题的问卷。共有172个家庭同意参加这项研究。问卷是通过电话采访技术应用于父母的。数据表示为平均值±标准偏差和百分比。

结果 约有41.3%(n  = 71)的母亲是高中毕业生,有50.6%(n  = 87)的父亲是大学毕业生。大约82.6%(n  = 142)的参与者接受了家庭医生和家庭卫生人员的检查,治疗和随访服务。大约20.9%(n  = 36)的孩子是家庭中唯一的孩子。大约55.8%(n  = 96)的家庭也拒绝为其他孩子接种疫苗。 未接种疫苗的儿童中约有83.7%(n = 144)接受过婴儿/儿童随访护理。尽管所有参与者都表示疫苗有副作用,但31.4%(n = 54)认为疫苗会导致婴儿自闭症或瘫痪。大约62.2%(n  = 107)的母亲在怀孕期间未接种破伤风疫苗。非接种率最高的是第二剂甲肝疫苗,有96.5%(n  = 166)拒绝接种。最被接受的疫苗是第一剂乙肝疫苗,被拒绝率为18.0%(n  = 31)。大约79.7%(n  = 137)的参与者不知道接种疫苗的原因,而95.9%(n  = 165)的参与者认为不需要疫苗。所有参与者都从卫生人员那里收到了有关疫苗的信息。而9.9%(n = 17)的家庭认为疫苗会导致不育,有44.8%(n  = 77)的人未接种疫苗,因为这些疫苗是在国外生产的。

结论 越来越多的家庭拒绝给婴儿接种疫苗。国外生产疫苗是不安全的主要原因。也有人认为疫苗会导致不育。应加快土耳其的疫苗生产,并应审查有关疫苗的公众教育。还应审查向家庭提供的有关疫苗的培训。
