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Mineral species and formation processes: Raman spectroscopic and microscopic analysis of stains from a late pleistocene continental drowned faunal bone assemblage, Central Chile
Geoarchaeology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1002/gea.21847
Isabel Cartajena 1, 2 , Freddy Celis 3 , Valentina Flores‐Aqueveque 2, 3 , Jennifer Pavez 2 , Diego Carabias 2, 4 , Renato Simonetti 2, 4 , María José Arancibia 5

In this study we address the analysis of bone staining and its sedimentary deposits to obtain a better understanding of the taphonomic trajectories of faunal assemblages in dynamic site formation processes. The fossil remains belong to continental fauna recovered at GNL Quintero 1, a Late Pleistocene drowned terrestrial site located nearshore at Quintero bay in the central coast of Chile (32° S). By conducting Raman spectroscopic and microscopic analyses we aim to identify the mineral compounds of bone staining and their sedimentary matrix, perform a first geochemical characterization of the depositional environments and carry out paleoenvironmental inferences. Stains are present on most remains and recur in a variety of colors, indicating the presence of minerals, such as hematite, goethite, pyrolusite, pyrite or marcasite, mackinawite, and greigite. Mineral species identified are associated with oxic and anoxic environments, suggesting that the bones and sediments underwent both sulfuricization and sulfidization processes. Spectroscopic data obtained suggest that the trajectory of the remains was much more dynamic than previously assumed. These geochemical scenarios of alternating oxidation and reduction reflects the diverse environments involved during the terrestrial phase, the transitional phase of rising sea level, and subsequently the marine phase.



在这项研究中,我们对骨染色及其沉积物进行分析,以更好地了解动态场地形成过程中动物群组合的埋藏轨迹。化石遗骸属于在 GNL Quintero 1 发现的大陆动物群,这是一个晚更新世淹死的陆地遗址,位于智利中部海岸 (32° S) 的金特罗湾近岸。通过进行拉曼光谱和显微分析,我们旨在识别骨染色的矿物化合物及其沉积基质,对沉积环境进行首次地球化学表征并进行古环境推断。大多数遗骸上都有污渍,并以各种颜色反复出现,表明存在矿物质,例如赤铁矿、针铁矿、软锰矿、黄铁矿或白铁矿、麦基纳铁矿、和greigite。确定的矿物种类与有氧和缺氧环境有关,表明骨骼和沉积物经历了硫化和硫化过程。获得的光谱数据表明,遗骸的轨迹比以前假设的要动态得多。这些交替氧化和还原的地球化学情景反映了陆地阶段、海平面上升的过渡阶段以及随后的海洋阶段所涉及的不同环境。