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Constraining f(Q,T) gravity from energy conditions
Physics of the Dark Universe ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2021.100790
Simran Arora , J.R.L. Santos , P.K. Sahoo

We are living in a golden age for experimental cosmology. New experiments with high accuracy precision are been used to constrain proposals of several theories of gravity, as it has been never done before. However, important roles to constrain new theories of gravity in a theoretical perspective are the energy conditions. Throughout this work, we carefully constrained some free parameters of two different families of f(Q,T) gravity using different energy conditions. This theory of gravity combines the gravitation effects through the non-metricity scalar function Q, and manifestations from the quantum era of the Universe in the classical theory (due to the presence of the trace of the energy–momentum tensor T). Our investigation unveils the viability of f(Q,T) gravity to describe the accelerated expansion our Universe passes through. Besides, one of our models naturally provides a phantom regime for dark energy and satisfies the dominant energy condition. The results here derived strength the viability of f(Q,T) as a promising complete theory of gravity, lighting a new path towards the description of the dark sector of the Universe.


约束条件 FŤ 能量条件的引力

我们生活在实验宇宙学的黄金时代。由于以前从未做过,因此使用具有高精度精度的新实验来约束几种重力理论的建议。但是,在理论上限制新的重力理论的重要作用是能量条件。在整个工作过程中,我们仔细限制了两个不同家族的一些自由参数FŤ重力使用不同的能量条件。该引力理论通过非度量标量函数结合了引力效应,以及经典理论中宇宙量子时代的表现(由于存在能量动量张量的痕迹) Ť)。我们的调查揭示了FŤ引力来描述宇宙通过的加速膨胀。此外,我们的模型之一自然为暗能量提供了一种幻象状态,并满足了主导能量条件。这里的结果推导出了强度的生存能力FŤ 作为有前途的完整引力理论,为描述宇宙的暗区开辟了一条新途径。
