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Lattice-valued overlap and quasi-overlap functions
Information Sciences Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2021.02.010
Rui Paiva , Regivan Santiago , Benjamín Bedregal , Eduardo Palmeira

As an important class of aggregation operators, the notion of overlap functions was first presented in 2009 in order to be considered for applications in image processing context. Later, many other researches arised bringing some variations of those functions for different purposes. Here, our main goal is defining overlap functions on lattices and discuss how a weakned version of it, named quasi-overlaps, works when continuity is eliminated from the definition. Some properties of quasi-overlaps on lattices, namely convex sum, migrativity, homogeneity, idempotency and cancellation law are investigated. Also, Finally, properties related to continuity as “Archimedean” and “limiting” are studied.



