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Re‐Examining Advances in Occupational Licensing Research: Issues and Policy Implications
British Journal of Industrial Relations ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-20 , DOI: 10.1111/bjir.12488
Alex Bryson 1 , Morris M. Kleiner 2

Much has changed in the realms of occupational licensing since BJIR last ran a special issue on the subject in 2010. The number of occupations subject to licensing has been growing, the data available to investigate the incidence and effects of licensing have improved immeasurably, and the policy environment surrounding licensing has changed. This issue reflects these changes with eight papers from North America and Europe covering the incidence of licensing, and its effects on wages, inequality, employment, quality of service provision and rent extraction by the organizations who undertake licensing.



自从 BJIR 上次在 2010 年就该主题发表专刊以来,职业许可领域发生了很大变化。 获得许可的职业数量一直在增长,可用于调查许可发生率和影响的数据已不可估量地改善,并且围绕许可的政策环境发生了变化。本期通过来自北美和欧洲的 8 篇论文反映了这些变化,内容涉及许可的发生率及其对工资、不平等、就业、服务质量和获得许可的组织的租金提取的影响。