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Latinizing Mussolini’s Message: Nicola Festa’s Latin Translation of the ‘Proclamation of Empire’ (1936/7)
International Journal of the Classical Tradition ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s12138-016-0424-4
Han Lamers

The article offers the author's insights regarding the translation of Benito Mussolini's imperial orations featured in his book "The Establishment of the Empire in the Speeches of the Duce for the Great Assemblies of the Italian People" by Nicola Festa, a professor at the Royal University of Rome. The author discusses the translation technique of Festa where he believes that the professor added important things to enhance the symbolical value of the oration.


使墨索里尼的信息拉丁化:尼古拉·费斯塔(Nicola Festa)的“帝国宣言”的拉丁文翻译(1936/7)

这篇文章提供了作者对贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的帝国演讲翻译的见解,他的著作由尼古拉·皇家大学(Nicola Festa)教授尼古拉·费斯塔(Nicola Festa)撰写的《为意大利人民的伟大集会而演绎的帝国的建立》。罗马。作者讨论了Festa的翻译技术,他认为教授增加了重要的内容以增强演讲的象征价值。