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Sacrificing Josephus to Save Philo: Cesare Baronio and the Jewish Origins of Christian Monasticism
International Journal of the Classical Tradition ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12138-016-0407-5
Jan Machielsen

The article focuses on acceptance of Therapeutae, a Jewish sect alleged by Jewish philosopher Judaeus Philo, over Essenes, another Jewish sect which was supported by Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Topics discussed include merger of both Jewish sects, historical background of separation of Essenes and Therapeutae by historian Cesare Baronio, and Baronio's attempt to support apostolic origins of Christian monasticism and religious orders.


牺牲约瑟夫斯去拯救菲洛:切萨雷·巴罗尼奥(Cesare Baronio)和基督教修道院的犹太起源

本文着重于接受犹太哲学家尤达·菲洛(Judaeus Philo)宣称的犹太教派Therapeutae在犹太历史学家弗拉维乌斯·约瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)支持下的另一个犹太教派埃森斯(Essenes)上的接受。讨论的话题包括犹太教派的合并,历史学家塞萨里·巴罗尼奥(Cesare Baronio)分离埃森斯和泰拉普塔的历史背景,以及巴罗尼奥(Baronio)支持基督教修道院和宗教秩序的使徒起源的尝试。