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“Entre campo y grabación”: Violeta Parra y las tecnologías migrantes
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.7560/slapc3608
Gonzalo Montero

Abstract:This study analyzes the uses of technology—tape recorder, radio, television—by the Chilean folklorist Violeta Parra (1917–1967). Instead of conceiving her work as a preservation of traditional forms, this article proves that Parra assumed a mobile positionality, from which she transformed the cultural status of the Chilean canto popular campesino, and technology played a key role in that process of transformation. In the first section of the article, I define the locus from which Parra works, shaped by mobility and migration. Then, I focus on the uses of the recorder in her compilations, describing the reactions of cantores populares when facing this new technology. Finally, I analyze Parra's involvement with mass media outlets during the 1950s and 1960s. She strategically used media to reach broader audiences, and this process of registration and circulation drastically modified the oral status of Chilean canto popular. Violeta Parra not only preserved a highly valuable corpus of Chilean popular culture but also was an active agent in the transformations of these songs.


“ Entre campo ycatchación”:移民的Violeta Parra和lastecnologías

摘要:这项研究分析了智利民俗学家Violeta Parra(1917–1967)的技术使用情况,例如录音机,广播,电视。这篇文章并没有将她的作品视为保留传统形式,而是证明了Parra承担了一种流动的立场,从中她改变了智利佳能流行的campesino的文化地位,而技术在这一转变过程中发挥了关键作用。在本文的第一部分中,我将定义Parra的工作地点,并根据其流动性和迁移来确定其位置。然后,我将重点放在录音机在其汇编中的用途上,描述当面对这种新技术时,坎托尔大众的反应。最后,我分析了帕拉(Parra)在1950年代和1960年代与大众媒体的关系。她从战略上利用媒体来吸引更广泛的受众,这种登记和流通过程极大地改变了智利佳能大众的口头地位。维奥莱塔·帕拉(Violeta Parra)不仅保留了智利流行文化的极高价值,而且还是这些歌曲转型的积极推动者。