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Some Sign Will Be Seen: The Aurora Borealis at Black Elk’s Death
Great Plains Quarterly Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2019.0000
Mark Hollabaugh

Abstract:When the Lakota holy man Black Elk died in 1950, a spectacular display of the aurora borealis lit up the night sky. Eyewitness accounts recount vivid northern lights and echo oral history from nineteenth-century Lakota who gave explanations of the meaning of auroral phenomena. The reports of the 1950 aurora suggest that a massive, sporadic solar flare and subsequent coronal mass ejection were responsible for the event. News media reports, contemporaneous scientific observations, and solar observatory data confirm this hypothesis.



摘要:1950年拉科塔圣人黑麋鹿去世时,壮观的北极光照亮了夜空。目击者叙述了生动的北极光,并呼应了 19 世纪拉科塔的口述历史,后者解释了极光现象的含义。1950 年极光的报告表明,大规模、零星的太阳耀斑和随后的日冕物质抛射是造成这一事件的原因。新闻媒体报道、同期科学观察和太阳观测数据证实了这一假设。