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The Science of Design: Tomás Maldonado, Buenos Aires 1922–Milano 2018
Design Issues ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1162/desi_a_00537
Jorge Frascara

Since the mid-1950s, Tomás Maldonado has been a pioneer in the development of a new way of understanding the purpose, the contexts, the methods, the interdisciplinary supports, and the means of design. With his passing on Monday, November 26, 2018, the design community lost not only a friend and an articulate and erudite advocate, but also a symbol of a way of life, dedicated to satisfying an endless thirst for knowledge. He was a protagonist of an important moment in the history of design and design education in the twentieth century—a moment of reflection that lasted all his life, and that was as necessary in the 1950s as it is today. The Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung/HfG) curriculum, to which Maldonado had contributed, quickly spread internationally, affecting programs in countries as distant as Argentina, India, Japan, and Mexico. Initially hired as an instructor by Max Bill in 1954 to teach the basic course, Maldonado became a member of the governing board of the Ulm School in 1956, with Otl Aicher and Hans Gugelot, after strong disagreements led to Bill’s departure.1 The three new leaders were motivated by their realization of the need to extend the design curriculum to integrate human and social sciences, ergonomics, operational research, planning methodology, and industrial technology,2 as well as philosophy, and they promoted the development of design from objects to systems. Maldonado was an exceptional man, able to see and articulate the connections between the most disparate things. This ability is exemplified in his article, published in Design Issues, on Daniel Defoe. In it, Maldonado analyzes the opposite notions of designing for the individual and designing for society in the writings of Defoe and examines the connections between Defoe’s thinking and the emerging utilitarianism.3 The common thread in both approaches, as Maldonado says, is the “[hu]man’s capacity to project.”4 At almost 90 years of age, he delivered a three-hour lecture at the IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) without notes, in a seamless delivery of dense content, without a moment of distraction or diversion. After the lecture, he was asked


设计科学:托马斯马尔多纳多,布宜诺斯艾利斯 1922-米兰 2018

自 1950 年代中期以来,Tomás Maldonado 一直是开发理解目的、背景、方法、跨学科支持和设计手段的新方法的先驱。随着他于 2018 年 11 月 26 日星期一去世,设计界不仅失去了一位朋友和一位博学多才的朋友,而且还失去了一种生活方式的象征,致力于满足对知识的无尽渴望。他是 20 世纪设计和设计教育史上一个重要时刻的主角——一个贯穿他一生的反思时刻,这在 1950 年代和今天一样必要。马尔多纳多参与的乌尔姆设计学院 (Hochschule für Gestaltung/HfG) 课程迅速在国际上传播开来,影响了远至阿根廷、印度、日本、和墨西哥。Maldonado 最初于 1954 年被 Max Bill 聘为讲师,教授基础课程,1956 年与 Otl Aicher 和 Hans Gugelot 一起成为乌尔姆学校管理委员会的成员,在强烈的分歧导致 Bill 离开后。 1 三名新成员领导者意识到需要扩展设计课程以整合人文和社会科学、人体工程学、运筹学、规划方法论和工业技术2以及哲学,从而推动了设计从对象到系统的发展. 马尔多纳多是一个非凡的人,能够看到并阐明最不同的事物之间的联系。这种能力在他发表在《设计问题》上的文章中得到了例证,该文章发表在 Daniel Defoe 上。在里面,马尔多纳多分析了笛福著作中为个人设计和为社会设计的相反概念,并考察了笛福的思想与新兴功利主义之间的联系。 3 正如马尔多纳多所说,这两种方法的共同点是“[人类] 4 在将近 90 岁的时候,他在 IUAV(威尼斯建筑大学)上做了一个三小时的讲座,没有笔记,无缝地传递密集的内容,没有片刻的分心或转移。讲座结束后,他被问到 他在 IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) 进行了三小时的讲座,没有笔记,内容密集,没有片刻分心或转移注意力。讲座结束后,他被问到 他在 IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) 进行了三小时的讲座,没有笔记,内容密集,没有片刻分心或转移注意力。讲座结束后,他被问到