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Promoting Community Collaboration in Counterterrorism: Do Social Identities and Perceptions of Legitimacy Mediate Reactions to Procedural Justice Policing?
The British Journal of Criminology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-05 , DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azw053
Natasha S. Madon , Kristina Murphy , Adrian Cherney

The present study examines whether procedural justice policing can promote Muslims’ willingness to cooperate with police in terrorism prevention. Using survey data from 800 Australian Muslims, we show that Muslims value procedural justice when it comes to working with police to prevent terrorism. We also examine whether social identification processes or perceptions of police legitimacy explain why procedural justice promotes Muslims’ willingness to work with police. The findings suggest that despite the salience of identity within the current political discourse about terrorism and Islam, perceptions of police legitimacy appear to have a stronger bearing on Muslims’ predicted behaviour. We consider



本研究考察了程序正义警务是否可以促进穆斯林在预防恐怖主义方面与警方合作的意愿。使用来自 800 名澳大利亚穆斯林的调查数据,我们表明穆斯林在与警察合作防止恐怖主义时重视程序正义。我们还研究了社会认同过程或对警察合法性的看法是否解释了为什么程序正义会促进穆斯林与警察合作的意愿。研究结果表明,尽管在当前关于恐怖主义和伊斯兰教的政治话语中身份认同很突出,但对警察合法性的看法似乎对穆斯林的预测行为有更大的影响。我们认为