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Relative versus absolute RNA quantification: a comparative analysis based on the example of endothelial expression of vasoactive receptors
Biological Procedures Online ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s12575-021-00144-w
Kevin Kuhlmann , Melanie Cieselski , Julia Schumann

In the present study, two distinct PCR methods were used for the quantification of genetic material and their results were compared: real-time-PCR (qPCR; relative quantification) and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR; absolute quantification). The comparison of the qPCR and the ddPCR was based on a stimulation approach of microvascular endothelial cells in which the effect of a pro-inflammatory milieu on the expression of vasoactive receptors was investigated. There was consistency in directions of effects for the majority of genes tested. With regard to the indicated dimension of the effects, the overall picture was more differentiated. It was striking that deviations were more pronounced if the measured values were on the extreme edges of the dynamic range of the test procedures. To obtain valid and reliable results, dilution series are recommended, which should be carried out initially. In case of ddPCR the number of copies per µl should be adjusted to the low three-digit range. With regard to qPCR it is essential that the stability and reliability of the reference genes used is guaranteed. Here, ddPCR offers the advantage that housekeeping genes are not required. Furthermore, an absolute quantification of the sample can be easily performed by means of ddPCR. Before using ddPCR, however, care should be taken to optimize the experimental conditions. Strict indications for this methodology should also be made with regard to economic and timing factors.


