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Ancient to recent-past runoff harvesting agriculture in the hyper-arid Arava Valley: OSL dating and insights
The Holocene ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1177/0959683621994641
Ilan Stavi 1, 2 , Gidon Ragolsky 1 , Mordechai Haiman 3 , Naomi Porat 4

Runoff harvesting agriculture was prevalent in ancient times across the southern Levant. In modern Israel, remnants of this agricultural adaptation strategy are widespread mostly in the semi-arid and arid Negev. Extensive literature has thoroughly described the farming systems of this region. However, runoff agriculture in the dryer, hyper-arid regions of the Arava Valley and southern Negev (excluding the Uvda Valley), has scarcely been researched. A recent study revealed remnants of simple stone terraces in several wadis (ephemeral stream channels) throughout the central Arava Valley that have not yet been dated. The objective of this study was to use the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) method to date sediments trapped in the stone terraces. The results revealed dominance of terraces dated to the Ottoman period (1516–1917 CE). Few samples were dated to the earlier Late Islamic period (1099–1516 CE) or Byzantine period (324–638 CE), and to the later, modern period of the mid-20th century. Generally, these periods coincide with relatively moister regional climatic conditions, which prevailed in the 4th, 11th–12th, and late 19th centuries CE. Yet, our findings also concur with periods of effective governance by central administrations. Therefore, results of this study fit the concept that runoff agriculture practiced in peripheral areas in ancient to recent-past times was co-determined by climatic settings and geo-political conditions, which enabled human inhabitation in these regions.



在古代黎凡特州南部,径流收割农业十分普遍。在现代以色列,这种农业适应战略的残余大部分分布在半干旱和干旱的内盖夫。大量文献已经彻底描述了该地区的耕作制度。但是,很少研究干旱地区,阿拉瓦河谷和内盖夫南部(不包括乌夫达河谷)的干旱地区的径流农业。最近的一项研究表明,整个阿拉瓦河谷中部的数个wadis(短暂河流)中的简单石阶残留物尚未定年。这项研究的目的是使用光学刺激发光(OSL)方法对困在石阶中的沉积物进行测年。结果表明,可追溯到奥斯曼帝国时期(公元1516年至1917年)的梯田占主导地位。很少有样品可以追溯到伊斯兰晚期(1099–1516 CE)或拜占庭时期(324–638 CE),以及20世纪中叶后期。通常,这些时期与相对湿润的区域气候条件相吻合,在公元4、11-12和19世纪后期盛行。但是,我们的发现也与中央政府进行有效治理的时期相吻合。因此,这项研究的结果符合这样一种概念,即古代到近代在外围地区实行的径流农业是由气候环境和地缘政治条件共同决定的,这些条件使人类能够在这些地区居住。这些时期与相对较潮湿的区域气候条件相吻合,在公元4、11-12和19世纪后期盛行。但是,我们的发现也与中央政府进行有效治理的时期相吻合。因此,这项研究的结果符合这样一种概念,即古代到近代在外围地区实行的径流农业是由气候环境和地缘政治条件共同决定的,这些条件使人类能够在这些地区居住。这些时期与相对湿润的区域气候条件相吻合,在公元4、11-12和19世纪后期盛行。但是,我们的发现也与中央政府进行有效治理的时期相吻合。因此,这项研究的结果符合这样一种概念,即古代到近代在外围地区实行的径流农业是由气候环境和地缘政治条件共同决定的,这些条件使人类能够在这些地区居住。
