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CrossStack: A 3-D Reconfigurable RRAM Crossbar Inference Engine
arXiv - CS - Hardware Architecture Pub Date : 2021-02-07 , DOI: arxiv-2102.06536
Jason K. Eshraghian, Kyoungrok Cho, Sung Mo Kang

Deep neural network inference accelerators are rapidly growing in importance as we turn to massively parallelized processing beyond GPUs and ASICs. The dominant operation in feedforward inference is the multiply-and-accumlate process, where each column in a crossbar generates the current response of a single neuron. As a result, memristor crossbar arrays parallelize inference and image processing tasks very efficiently. In this brief, we present a 3-D active memristor crossbar array `CrossStack', which adopts stacked pairs of Al/TiO2/TiO2-x/Al devices with common middle electrodes. By designing CMOS-memristor hybrid cells used in the layout of the array, CrossStack can operate in one of two user-configurable modes as a reconfigurable inference engine: 1) expansion mode and 2) deep-net mode. In expansion mode, the resolution of the network is doubled by increasing the number of inputs for a given chip area, reducing IR drop by 22%. In deep-net mode, inference speed per-10-bit convolution is improved by 29\% by simultaneously using one TiO2/TiO2-x layer for read processes, and the other for write processes. We experimentally verify both modes on our $10\times10\times2$ array.


CrossStack:3-D可重配置RRAM Crossbar推理引擎

随着我们转向GPU和ASIC以外的大规模并行处理,深度神经网络推理加速器的重要性正在迅速增长。前馈推断的主要操作是乘法和累加过程,其中交叉开关中的每一列都会生成单个神经元的当前响应。结果,忆阻器交叉开关阵列非常有效地并行化了推理和图像处理任务。在本简介中,我们介绍了一种3-D有源忆阻器交叉开关阵列“ CrossStack”,该阵列采用成对的Al / TiO2 / TiO2-x / Al器件与公共中间电极堆叠在一起。通过设计阵列布局中使用的CMOS忆阻混合单元,CrossStack可以作为可重新配置的推理引擎以两种用户可配置模式之一运行:1)扩展模式和2)深网模式。在扩展模式下,通过增加给定芯片面积的输入数量,使网络分辨率提高一倍,从而使IR下降降低22%。在深网模式下,通过同时将一个TiO2 / TiO2-x层用于读取过程,将另一个TiO2 / TiO2-x层用于写入过程,将每10位卷积的推理速度提高了29%。我们在$ 10 \ times10 \ times2 $数组中实验性地验证了这两种模式。