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How will our Values Fit Future Work? An Empirical Exploration of Basic Values and Susceptibility to Automation
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2021.1886624
Johnny Långstedt 1


The discussion of how automation, especially intelligent technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), affects the workforce is a focal point in scholarship about the future of work. In contrast to previous technological advances, routine and structured knowledge work are believed to be substituted with intelligent technological solutions. The paper responds to a recent call for research on how the implementation of intelligent technologies will affect the work-values dimension of person-job fit. The discussion of future work has hitherto focused on how the technologies change skill requirements at work. However, as routine and structured work is substituted, the values with which the work fits change as well. To explore how intelligent technologies can affect the work-values fit, the paper draws data from the European Social Survey and analyses the relationship between occupational values and automatability in 126 occupations. The results indicate that person-job fit can decrease in automatable occupations if intelligent technologies are implemented in the way scholars expect.




关于自动化,尤其是人工智能 (AI) 等智能技术如何影响劳动力的讨论是有关未来工作的学术研究的焦点。与以前的技术进步相比,人们认为常规和结构化的知识工作被智能技术解决方案所取代。该论文回应了最近关于智能技术的实施将如何影响人与工作匹配的工作价值观维度的研究呼吁。迄今为止,对未来工作的讨论主要集中在技术如何改变工作中的技能要求上。然而,随着日常工作和结构化工作被取代,工作适合的价值观也会发生变化。探索智能技术如何影响工作价值观的契合度,该论文从欧洲社会调查中提取数据,分析了 126 个职业的职业价值观与自动化程度之间的关系。结果表明,如果以学者们预期的方式实施智能技术,人与工作的契合度会降低自动化职业。
