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Exploring Latent Profiles of Psychopathology in a Sample of Lonely People Seeking Treatment
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10862-021-09870-7
Anton Käll , Roz Shafran , Gerhard Andersson

Loneliness is a common experience in populations experiencing mental health problems. Associations with symptoms of psychopathology are prevalent, but little is known about the diversity of symptom profiles in people suffering from prolonged and distressing loneliness. The current study sought to investigate the existence of subgroups of loneliness and common forms of psychopathology in a sample of adults (n = 332) seeking treatment for their loneliness. Using latent profile analysis, five profiles were identified and differences in demographic factors were investigated. The profiles differed mainly in the severity of symptoms of depression, worry, and social anxiety, with the largest profile exhibiting minimal-to-mild symptoms (n = 109) across these indicators. The second largest group was characterized primarily by high ratings of social anxiety (n = 90). Overall, three of the five profiles, encompassing roughly half of the sample, scored at a clinical level on mental health symptom measures. Age was inversely related to symptom severity among the profiles, indicating that the older subgroups of the sample exhibited milder symptoms, particularly on social anxiety. The results provide insight into the heterogeneity of the clinical symptoms of people suffering from loneliness and add important knowledge that could help inform how to best intervene to help this population.



在患有精神健康问题的人群中,孤独是一种普遍的经历。与精神病理学症状相关的现象很普遍,但是对于长期和令人痛苦的孤独感患者的症状特征的多样性知之甚少。当前的研究旨在调查在 寻求孤独症治疗的成年人(n = 332)样本中孤独感和心理病理学常见形式的亚群的存在。使用潜在轮廓分析,确定了五个轮廓,并调查了人口统计学因素的差异。这些特征主要表现为抑郁,忧虑和社交焦虑症状的严重程度不同,最大的特征表现为轻度至轻度的症状(n = 109)。第二大人群的主要特征是社交焦虑程度很高(n  = 90)。总体而言,五项概况中的三项(约占样本的一半)在临床水平上对心理健康症状指标进行了评分。年龄与这些症状中的症状严重程度成反比,表明年龄较大的亚组患者表现出较轻的症状,尤其是社交焦虑症。结果提供了对孤独症患者临床症状异质性的洞察力,并增加了重要知识,可帮助告知如何最好地干预以帮助此人群。
