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Separation Anxiety Disorder in Panic Disorder Patients with and without Comorbid Agoraphobia
Psychiatry ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2021.1875730
Bilge Dogan , Oktay Kocabas , Doga Sevincok , Cansu Baygin , Cagdas Oyku Memis , Levent Sevincok

Objective: Previous studies have focused on the relationship between childhood separation anxiety disorder (SAD) and adult panic disorder (PD)-agoraphobia. It is not clear enough whether SAD, which continues into adulthood, is associated with PD with and without comorbid agoraphobia in adult patients. Our primary hypothesis was that PD patients with comorbid agoraphobia had a higher rate of SAD that continues into adulthood than those without agoraphobia. We also hypothesized that adulthood SAD symptoms were more likely to be associated with PD-agoraphobia than PD without agoraphobia.

Method: 151 patients who were diagnosed with PD with (n = 106), and without comorbid agoraphobia (n = 45) were compared using Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, Structured Clinical Interview for Separation Anxiety Symptoms, Separation Anxiety Symptom Inventory, Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. We performed Student’s t-test, Pearson correlation test, and multiple linear regression analysis in this study.

Results: PD patients with comorbid agoraphobia were more likely to have SAD both in childhood and adulthood (p = .028), than those without agoraphobia. There were mild to moderate significant correlations between PD severity and state anxiety (p = .002), trait anxiety (p = .006), and SAD in childhood (p = .049), and in adulthood (p = .001). SAD in adulthood (β = 0.278, Exp(B) = 0.136, p = .003), and state anxiety (β = 0.236, Exp(B) = 0.164, p = .012) significantly predicted the severity of PD in patients with comorbid agoraphobia.

Conclusion: SAD that continues in adulthood may be related to the severity of PD in patients with agoraphobia. Our findings might provide some evidence of the role of SAD in adulthood in patients with adult-onset PD-agoraphobia.



目的:以前的研究集中在儿童分离焦虑症(SAD)和成人恐慌症(PD)-广场恐惧症之间的关系。目前尚不清楚持续到成年期的 SAD 是否与成年患者合并或不合并广场恐怖症的 PD 相关。我们的主要假设是,与没有广场恐怖症的患者相比,患有广场恐怖症的 PD 患者持续到成年的 SAD 发生率更高。我们还假设,与没有广场恐怖症的 PD 相比,成年期 SAD 症状更可能与 PD 广场恐怖症相关。

方法:使用恐慌和广场恐惧症量表、分离焦虑症状的结构化临床访谈、分离焦虑症状量表、成人分离焦虑问卷,对 151 名被诊断患有(n = 106)和没有共存广场恐怖症(n = 45)的 PD 患者进行比较和状态-特质焦虑量表。我们在本研究中进行了 Student t 检验、Pearson 相关检验和多元线性回归分析。

结果:与没有广场恐怖症的患者相比,患有广场恐怖症的 PD 患者在儿童期和成年期都更可能患有 SAD ( p = .028)。有轻度至中度PD严重性和状态焦虑(间显著相关p = 0.002),特质焦虑(p = 0.006)和SAD儿童(p = .049),并在成年后(p = 0.001)。成年期的 SAD (β = 0.278, Exp(B) = 0.136, p = .003) 和状态焦虑 (β = 0.236, Exp(B) = 0.164, p = .012) 显着预测了 PD 患者的严重程度共存广场恐惧症。

结论:成年期持续的 SAD 可能与广场恐怖症患者 PD 的严重程度有关。我们的研究结果可能提供一些证据,证明 SAD 在成年期 PD 广场恐怖症患者中的作用。
