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Influences of physical and biogeochemical variability of the central Red Sea during winter.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1029/2020jc016714
Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos 1, 2 , Burton H. Jones 1

The central Red Sea (CRS) has been characterized by significant eddy activity throughout the year. Weakened wintertime stratification contributes to enhanced vertical exchange. In winter 2014‐2015, an extended glider time series in the CRS captured this variability. Surface cooling and stronger winds resulted in deepening of the mixed layer (ML) to nearly 90 m. The vertical distributions of density and oxygen suggest that the ML did not penetrate into the nutricline. However, mixing events dispersed phytoplankton from the deep CHL maximum (DCM) throughout the ML increasing nearsurface chlorophyll. Following the mixing events a mesoscale cyclonic eddy (CE) grew and intensified causing weakening of stratification and a decrease in the ML depth within the eddy. Where the CE interfaced with an adjacent anticyclonic eddy (AE), the CE DCM subducted beneath the shallower AE DCM leading to a local integrated chlorophyll maximum. Low salinity water containing relative high chlorophyll and CDOM concentrations, originating from the Gulf of Aden, appeared in late winter. Mesoscale eddy activity resulted in an 160 m upward displacement of the nutricline to ∼60 m, well within the euphotic layer. Remote sensing imagery indicates that these eddies contribute to horizontal dispersion, including exchange between the open sea and coastal coral reefs. When the phytoplankton is distributed through the ML, clear diel variability was evident in the temporal CHL distribution. Because not all of the biogeochemical responses were apparent at the surface, sustained glider observations were essential to understand the temporal and spatial scales and their impact on these processes.



红海中部(CRS)的特点是全年涡流活跃。冬季分层薄弱有助于加强垂直交换。在2014-2015年冬季,CRS中滑翔机时间序列的延长捕获了这种可变性。表面冷却和强风导致混合层(ML)加深到将近90 m。密度和氧气的垂直分布表明ML没有渗入营养液。但是,混合事件使浮游植物从深部CHL最大值(DCM)分散到整个ML,增加了近地表叶绿素。在混合事件之后,中尺度的旋风涡(CE)生长并增强,导致分层减弱,涡内的ML深度减小。当CE与相邻的反气旋涡(AE)相连时,CE DCM在较浅的AE DCM下俯冲,导致局部最大的整合叶绿素。来自亚丁湾的低盐度水含有较高的叶绿素和CDOM浓度,于冬季末出现。中尺度的涡旋活动导致营养液向上160 m位移至〜60 m,且处于富营养层之内。遥感图像表明,这些涡流有助于水平扩散,包括在公海和沿海珊瑚礁之间的交换。当浮游植物通过ML分布时,在时间CHL分布中明显的diel变异性很明显。由于并非所有生物地球化学反应都在地表可见,因此持续的滑翔机观测对于了解时空尺度及其对这些过程的影响至关重要。