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ChemBioEng Reviews ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1002/cben.202170104
Arno Knappschneider , Barbara Boeck


Dear Readers, Dear Authors, Dear Reviewers,

A new year has begun and, in addition to what feels like the same old thing as 2020, it also brings anniversaries and news. This year we have a lot to celebrate:

In 2021, VCH, formerly Verlag Chemie celebrates its 100th anniversary. Founded in 1921 by the German Chemical Society (Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft, DChG) and the Association of German Chemists (Verein Deutscher Chemiker, VDCh) together with the Association for the Protection of the Interests of the Chemical Industry, VCH has had to adapt and evolve over the years to many changes both in the scientific world and in publishing. Throughout this time, it has always remained relevant to the research communities it has served and continues to serve. Who could imagine a digital world back then? Who thought about open access?

Another anniversary we are celebrating in 2021 is 25 years of Wiley‐VCH. In 1996, VCH became part of the Wiley family. This gave VCH the opportunity to better adapt to future challenges and opened the door to offer our services worldwide.

We are also celebrating 2 years of Project DEAL in 2021. For this milestone in open access (OA) publishing, Wiley was in the vanguard. The signing of the OA agreement with Project DEAL led to other OA agreements, e.g., with Norway, Sweden (Bibsam), Finland (FinELib) and the UK (Jisc), enabling many authors to publish their articles freely accessible to everybody thus increasing their visibility.

Last but not least, ChemBioEng Reviews celebrates its first year of impact factor (3.83), which we eventually received last year. This would not have been possible without you, our authors, reviewers and readers. It was also based on the hard work of our Deputy Editor, Cordula Buse, who has sadly left Wiley‐VCH to take on new challenges. We owe her our heartfelt thanks.

This brings us to the news that 2021 holds, the personnel changes. New to the ChemBioEng Reviews team and handling your manuscripts is Dr. Arno Knappschneider. He joined Wiley‐VCH in 2016 as part of the editorial team of Chemie Ingenieur Technik and Chemical Engineering & Technology. In 2019 he transferred to the team of Angewandte Chemie, where he was handling the peer review for solar cell and crystallography themed manuscripts. In autumn 2020 he joined the chemical engineering team in Weinheim again.

We wish you all the best for 2021 and as we say in Germany: “Man soll die Feste feiern, wie sie fallen” (One should celebrate when one has the chance). Be on the lookout for the special events that Wiley's Anniversary Committee is planning and preparing.

Yours sincerely,

Arno Knappschneider

(Associate Editor)


Barbara Boeck







2021年,VCH(前Verlag Chemie)庆祝成立100周年。VCH必须由德国化学学会(Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft,DChG)和德国化学家协会(Verein Deutscher Chemiker,VDCh)以及保护化学工业利益协会共同于1921年成立。多年来,科学界和出版界发生了许多变化。在整个这段时间里,它一直与它所服务的并且继续服务的研究社区相关。谁能想象当时的数字世界?谁想到过开放访问?


我们还将在2021年庆祝Project DEAL成立2周年。对于这一开放式访问(OA)发布的里程碑,Wiley处于领先地位。与DEAL项目签订的OA协议导致了其他OA协议,例如与挪威,瑞典(Bibsam),芬兰(FinELib)和英国(Jisc)的协议,使许多作者可以免费向所有人发表文章,从而增加了他们的文章能见度。

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,ChemBioEng Reviews庆祝其影响因子的第一年(3.83),我们终于在去年收到了它。没有您,我们的作者,评论者和读者,这将是不可能的。这也基于我们的副编辑Cordula Buse的辛勤工作,他不幸地离开了Wiley-VCH来承担新的挑战。我们衷心感谢她。

这给我们带来了2021年举行的消息,人员变动。Arno Knappschneider博士是ChemBioEng Reviews团队的新成员,负责处理您的手稿。他于2016年加入Wiley-VCH,是Chemie Ingenieur TechnikChemical Engineering&Technology编辑团队的成员。在2019年,他转入Angewandte Chemie团队,在那里他负责太阳能电池和晶体学主题手稿的同行评审。2020年秋天,他再次加入了魏因海姆的化学工程团队。

我们祝您2021年一切顺利,就像我们在德国所说的那样:“人将丧命Feste费恩,而wie sie摔倒了”(一个人应该庆幸一个人有机会)。请留意Wiley周年委员会正在计划和准备的特殊活动。




芭芭拉·波克(Barbara Boeck)

