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Assessing the circularity of regions: Stakes of trade of waste for treatment
Journal of Industrial Ecology ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-13 , DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13106
Edgar Towa 1 , Vanessa Zeller 2 , Wouter M. J. Achten 1

The degree of circularity of a region describes the proportion of materials recovered and reintroduced in that region of the total materials in that region. Quantifying the degree of circularity of a region is important, to prioritize and adequately implement circular economy (CE) strategies. Besides, regions may import and export waste treatment services. Efficient CE strategies should integrate the circularity embodied in the interregional linkages regarding waste treatment. However, the existing analyses of the degree of circularity of regions do not consider the trade of waste for treatment between regions. We fill this gap by proposing the trade-corrected circularity index and trade-corrected circularity gap index as two novel indicators, including their methodology and application for the case of Belgian regions. We used the multiregional physical supply and use the table we previously developed at the subnational Belgian level for 2011 and focused on Brussels, Flanders, and Wallonia. The results show that Brussels, Flanders, and Wallonia are 0%, 6.3%, and 8.1% circular, respectively, and when considering the trade of waste for treatment, they are 7.7%, 6%, and 8.5% circular, respectively. Further results include details of the circularity per type of materials (biomass, fossil fuels, metals, and non-metallic minerals) as well as the circularity inherent to the trade of waste between regions. This paper ends with a discussion on the methodological and conceptual findings, the CE policy implications, and the contributions to the debate on measuring the circularity of regions when the trade of waste is at stake.



一个区域的圆形度描述了该区域中回收和重新引入的材料占该区域总材料的比例。量化一个地区的循环程度很重要,可以优先考虑并充分实施循环经济 (CE) 战略。此外,各地区可以进出口废物处理服务。有效的 CE 战略应整合体现在废物处理区域间联系中的循环性。然而,现有的区域循环程度分析并未考虑区域间处理废物的贸易。我们通过提出贸易修正循环指数和贸易修正循环差距指数作为两个新指标来填补这一空白,包括它们在比利时地区案例中的方法和应用。我们使用了多区域实物供应,并使用了我们之前在比利时地方层面制定的 2011 年表格,重点关注布鲁塞尔、佛兰德斯和瓦隆。结果显示布鲁塞尔、法兰德斯和瓦隆分别为0%、6.3%和8.1%分别为循环,当考虑废物处理贸易时,分别为 7.7%、6% 和 8.5%循环。进一步的结果包括每种材料(生物质、化石燃料、金属和非金属矿物)的循环性细节以及区域间废物贸易固有的循环性。本文最后讨论了方法论和概念发现、CE 政策影响,以及在废物贸易受到威胁时对衡量区域循环性的辩论的贡献。