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Discovery of central Texas Eurycea eggs in the wild
Ecosphere ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3382
Linda M. Moon 1 , Kelsey A. Anderson 1 , Lindsay Glass Campbell 1

Eurycea pterophila is a fully aquatic paedomorphic salamander species classified as under review for federal listing and distributed in restricted sections of the Comal River (Comal CO., TX). Unlike Eurycea sosorum, which constitutes the only documented wild sightings of Eurycea eggs in the region, no eggs of Eurycea pterophila have been documented in the wild. During a routine collection of Eurycea pterophila for a captive assurance population, two eggs were found in the Comal River, TX near Spring Island, and successfully raised in captivity. Captive Eurycea pterophila eggs were laid at the same time the wild eggs were found; thus, data are presented here for a comparison.



翼龙Eurycea pterophila是完全水生的pa类物种,被归类为联邦清单审查对象,并分布在Comal河的受限区域内(Comal CO。,TX)。与该地区唯一记录到的野猪Eurycea卵的野生Eurycea sosorum不同野外没有野猪Eurycea Pterophila的卵被记录。在为圈养保证种群进行例行收集的翼龙Eurycea pterophila期间,在德克萨斯州斯普林岛附近的Comal河中发现了两个卵,并成功地圈养了它们。在发现野生卵的同时,下沉圈养的Eurycea pterophila卵。因此,此处提供数据进行比较。