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Mineral Chemistry and Reaction Textures of Calc-silicate Rocks of the Lunavada Region, SAMB, NE Gujarat
Journal of the Geological Society of India ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12594-021-1646-x
Gayatri Akolkar , M. A. Limaye

Calc-silicate rocks occurring in and around Lunavada town belong to the Kadana Formation of the Lunavada Group of the Aravalli Supergroup. These rocks are embedded within pelitic schists in the form of sporadically distributed lensoidal bodies and are surrounded by quartzitic ridges. Rocks of the Kadana Formation and its surrounding area have experienced intrusive event named as ‘Godhra granite’ which occupy the SW part of this area. Some prominent field characteristics shown by these calc-silicates include fine to medium grained size, dark grey colour, unoriented/star shaped amphibole needles and maculose structure. These rocks have contact metamorphic textural features and the typical mineral assemblage viz., Act +Di + Qtz + Ttn+ Cal ± Mc ± Bt ± Pl ± Ep ± Scp ± Chl with minor proportion of apatite, zircon and opaques. EPMA studies revealed that the Ca-amphibole composition of these rocks ranges from magnesio-hornblende to actinolite whereas the clinopyroxene is salitic to diopsidic and the mica is found to be phlogopitic biotite. Certain prograde and retrograde reactions textures present within these rocks have been interpreted, for e.g. the development of diopside (salite) from ankeritic composition which is then retrogressed and actinolite appeared, prograde reaction leading to the formation of titanite from ilmenite and calcite and breakdown of scapolite into calcite and quartz with plagioclase lacking co-existence with these scapolites, indicating retrogression. Mineral assemblage and mineral chemistry data interpretation points towards the calcareous sandstone or marl as a probable protolith having impure calcareous composition, moreover, field characteristics and reaction textures observed give indication that the protolith might had passed through the contact metamorphic event to give rise to the present day calc-silicates.



发生在卢纳瓦达镇及其周围地区的钙硅酸盐岩属于Aravalli超群的卢纳瓦达组的卡达纳组。这些岩石以零星分布的类镜体的形式埋藏在片状片岩中,并被石英质脊包围。卡达纳组及其周围地区的岩石经历了名为“ Godhra花岗石”的侵入性事件,该事件占据了该地区的西南部。这些钙硅酸盐显示的一些突出的野外特性包括细粒度到中等粒度,深灰色,未取向/星状闪石针和金刚糖结构。这些岩石具有接触变质质构特征,并且具有典型的矿物组合,即Act + Di + Qtz + Ttn + Cal±Mc±Bt±Pl±Ep±Scp±Chl,且磷灰石,锆石和不透明物的比例较小。EPMA研究表明,这些岩石的钙-闪石成分从镁砂-角闪石到阳起石,而斜辉石则呈唾液状到二足,云母是金云母黑云母。已经解释了这些岩石中存在的某些前进和后退反应的质地,例如,从角铁成分中透辉石(salite)的发展,然后退行并出现阳起石,前进反应导致由钛铁矿和方解石形成钛铁矿和硅藻土的分解成方解石和石英的斜长石缺乏与这些方沸石共存,表明其向后退缩。矿物组合和矿物化学数据解释指出,钙质砂岩或泥灰岩可能是具有不纯钙质组成的原生岩,此外,
