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Survival, spatial behaviour and resting place selection of translocated Iberian hares Lepus granatensis in Northwestern Spain
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-021-01464-8
Carlos Sánchez-García , José A. Pérez , José A. Armenteros , Vicente R. Gaudioso , Emilio J. Tizado

Translocation of game species is a widespread tool for hunting and conservation, but for some species there is a lack of information, being this the case for the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis). We studied the survival and spatial behaviour of 12 wild Iberian hares translocated in Northwestern Spain, in a hunting ground with a combination of arable land, vineyards and other habitats where game management and hare coursing were conducted. The average hare survival time was 102 days, with adults showing higher survival than juveniles, the overall survival probability being reduced during the hunting season. Presumed predation was the most important cause of death (ranging 45–77% of causalities), and 23% of hares were hunted. Hares showed a higher resting place selection at daytime for arable land, selecting however to settle in areas with a combination of habitats. The average core area considering all animals (MCP 50%) was 7.4 ha and the home range (MCP 95%) was 27 ha, and males showed significant higher values of home range compared to females. When compared to previous studies on wild hares, the survival of translocated hares in the present study was in general lower but there were similarities on spatial behaviour, and hunting was considered a major factor driving survival and spatial behaviour.


西班牙西北部易位伊比利亚野兔Lepus granatensis的生存,空间行为和栖息地选择

猎物物种的易位是狩猎和保护的一种广泛工具,但是对于某些物种而言,缺乏信息,例如伊比利亚野兔(Lepus granatensis)就是这种情况。)。我们研究了在西班牙西北部迁移的12个野生伊比利亚野兔的生存和空间行为,这些野兔在一个集耕地,葡萄园和其他栖息地为一体的狩猎场中进行游戏管理和野兔狩猎。野兔的平均生存时间为102天,成年人的生存率比少年高,在狩猎季节,总体生存概率降低。假定的掠夺是最重要的死亡原因(因果关系占45-77%),并且猎杀了23%的野兔。野兔在白天显示出较高的耕地休憩地选择权,但选择居住在具有多种栖息地的地区。考虑到所有动物(MCP 50%)的平均核心面积为7.4公顷,而家畜范围(MCP 95%)为27公顷,与男性相比,男性显示出更高的家庭距离值。与以前的野兔研究相比,本研究中易位野兔的生存率总体较低,但空间行为存在相似之处,狩猎被认为是驱动生存和空间行为的主要因素。
